Thursday, November 04, 2010

CMLL FSE 10/39/10 (taped 10/24/10)

Torneo Cibernetico

- ?JIP? w/ Fantasma and Bucanero in the ring.
- Announcers point out if two guys from the same team are left they will have to face each other. Honestly - when has that ever happened? I can only remember it happening once and that may have been by complete accident since everyone was dropping like flies due to injuries in that mess of a match. (May 1999) I'm eagerly awaiting the double pin in this one!
- Announcers also say CMLL invented the Torneo Cibernetico. Is that true? First one I remember hearing about was in late 1994. I think Felino won it. Then there was that one from Arena Coliseo in early 1995 that was shown in highlight form on TV about 20 times since it was used as filler when TV shows would run short. That was the one where Wagner beat Pierroth in the finals.
- More rope running issues with Sagrado who connects with a tope suicida on Taichi.
- Okumura out via Maximo! Angel Azteca Jr. outlasts Okumura?!?!??!!?!?
- Commercial break but no action is missed.
- Rafa El Maya keeps adjusting his earpiece and appears to be talking to someone. Strange.
- Felino with a somersault dive!
- Valiente looks good working his magic with Mephisto.
- Azteca puts Felino up top... this will end as well for him as anyone who tries to roll-up Efesto... and there's the power bomb to eliminate Azteca.
- Taichi blocks Maximo's kiss and kicks him to death to eliminate him! Taichi is motivated!
- Another commercial.
- Weird... they come back and show Mephisto/Bucanero double teaming Sagrado for a bit and then do a big jump cut forward to Valiente vs Felino. Why not just come back to that?
- Valiente makes Felino submit! Bucanero breaks it up but Rafa El Maya still says it's an elimination! OK...
- Felino puts a submission Valiente apparently unaware he's been eliminated.
- Ugly Canadian Destroyer by Bucanero gets rid of Sagrado.
- Taichi misses his big kick and gets rolled up by Fantasma.
- Valiente does his double jump rana as Bucanero uses his slingshot frontcracker which leaves them alone in the ring together... AND THERE'S THE DOUBLE PIN! I KNEW IT!!! Of course Valiente's shoulders were nowhere near the mat but Rafa El Maya is having an awesome night.
- Another commercial.
- Generic nearfalls from Fantasma/Mephisto and a big edit as well.
- Fantasma's suplex gets him the win! Underwhelming match.

Mistico/La Mascara/Shocker vs Atlantis/Ultimo Guerrero/Negro Casas

- Commercial before the first fall begins! WHATEVER COULD THAT MEAN?
- Periquito uses a frying pan to beat Mistico up!
- Rudos take the first fall in very undramatic fashion.
- Tecnico comeback has a tope suicida from La Mascara and Shocker stealing the frying pan to beat Ultimo Guerrero up with it. No DQ of course b/c it's still Rafa El Maya in the ring.
- Tecnicos tie things up and then beat up poor Periquito with his own frying pan! LA SERIA Y ESTABLE!
- So they took an extra commercial break this week to psych us out and make us think the main was only going two falls!
- Mistico does his usual shtick with all three rudos and ends with a tope suicida on Guerrero.
- Negro Casas silla on Shocker!
- Double Atlantidas win the match for the rudos! Clean job from Mistico!

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Tuesday, November 02, 2010

CMLL C3 TV 10/16/10 (taped 10/12/10)

Bam Bam/Electrico/Fantasy vs Pequeno Violencia/Pequeno Nitro/Pequeno Universo 2000

- Still pains me to see Bam Bam wasting away with this crew of mini's.
- Electrico and Peq Nitro are clearly training buddies.
- Crazy headscissors sends the rudo out of the ring and Electrico poses.
- Fantasy goes through half of his usual routine... I assume the other half will be later... and ends up on the floor to take a plancha from Peq Nitro.
- Rudos put other two tecnicos away including Bam Bam selling a slap like he got shot.
- Second fall starts with the rudos doing their double team frontcracker spot.
- Peq Violencia really enjoys slapping Bam Bam. This time he adds a somersault beforehand. That makes perfect sense!
- The comeback spot is beyond telegraphed as the rudos are clearly talking to Electrico about what he is planning on doing.
- Awesome running somersault plancha near the ringpost by Electrico!
- Remaining two tecnicos put the two rudos away. Fantasy may actually have a finisher! Someone alert cubs!
- We miss all of Fantasy's exchange. Be sure to catch it next time you see him.
- Bam Bam ends up on the apron and is unimpressed with the way Violencia stands in his corner so he superkicks him.
- Just realized Pequeno Violencia has "VIOLE" shaved into one side of his head and "NCIA" shaved onto the other side. AWESOME.
- Electrico looks incredible during an exchange with Peq Violencia and finishes with an asai moonsault dive!
- Fantasy does a lame asai moonsault of his own and the camera barely catches Bam Bam's tornillo.
- Peq Violencia misses a charge into the corner and Electrico runs and does a cool sunset flip for the win! Or as the announcers say... UNO, DOS, CADENA TRES! Acceptable match but I could do without Fantasy and Peq Universo in this division. Also, Bam Bam. But for a very different reason.

Angel Azteca Jr./Angel De Oro/Angel De Plata vs Demus 3:16/Loco Max/Virus

- Angel De Plata/Demus open with matwork.
- Are we taking bets yet on which group Demus alligns with?
- Funny trivia: At one point in their career all three rudos worked as/with mini's.
- Angel De Oro/Virus up next and I'm unimpressed.
- The underused Angel Azteca Jr. looks good against Loco Max and finishes with an out of control tope suicida!
- Demus gets slid to the floor head-first and is ready to catch an Angel De Plata asai moonsault but Virus kicks the ropes! Virus then finishes off Angel De Oro easily.
- Demus uses the Valagueza on Angel De Plata but doesn't cover. Maybe his regular finisher doesn't work against regular sized guys?
- Another overly choreographed comeback spot.
- Angel De Plata almost slips off his brother's back trying to dropkick Demus off the apron but manages to connect with one foot.
- Angel De Plata does a tope suicida through his brother's legs! Meanwhile his brother pins Virus with a frankensteiner.
- Nothing noteworthy from an Angel De Plata/Loco Max exchange. Shocking huh?
- Rather basic exchange from Azteca/Demus.
- Angel De Oro readies for his usual superkick into a slingshot asai moonsault combo but Virus moves and the tecnico lands on his feet! Nice!
- Virus ends up outside and eats a PERFECTLY EXECUTED SFTD FROM ANGEL DE ORO!
- Tecnicos pick up the win. Average match at best.

Stuka Jr./Fuego/Delta vs Misterioso II/Texano Jr./Terrible

- Over/under on # of blown spots by Delta?
- Stuka/Misterioso matwork to open up is okay but I've seen it a million times.
- Fuego/Texano also look good together.
- Delta speeds things up with Terrible and looks okay so far.
- Delta climbs the ropes and hits a nice change in direction rana!
- Stuka's torpedo splash comes from outta nowhere to pin Misterioso, Fuego rolls up Texano and Delta uses an inverted Indian Deathlock on Terrible.
- Rudos in control as second fall is joined.
- Misterioso's backbreaker actually looks cool and Texano/Terrible have a tag finisher!
- Didn't even notice La Nazi at ringside until she interfered.
- Comeback spot starts with Terrible accidentally slapping La Nazi.
- Fuego works with Texano and looks very good!
- Tecnicos go for triple dives but Delta's timing is off so he is a step behind everyone and settles for a simple springboard plancha.
- Tecnicos basically walk into the finishers of all the rudos. Disappointing.

Blue Panther/Mascara Dorada/Shocker vs Hector Garza/Mr. Aguila/Taichi

- Panther/Aguila working the mat is shockingly fun.
- Garza messes up a headdrag on Shocker.
- Tecs take fall one with Garza laying down for Shocker.
- Dorada lights up Taichi and tries the same with Garza but gets kicked which leads to the rudo beatdown and victory.
- Tecnicos try double submissions but Garza breaks it up as Dorada comes flying off the apron over the ropes but gets dropkicked in mid-air by Garza! Now THAT WAS COOL! And that ends the short and uneventful match.

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Sunday, October 31, 2010

CMLL 52MX 10/30/10

CMLL 52MX 10/30/10 (taped (10/24/10):

Leono/Molotov/Guerrero Maya Jr. vs Bronco/Camorra/Inquisidor

- The battle of wrestlers never going anywhere in this promotion! OK, I lied. Guerrero Maya Jr. will go somewhere... hopefully... but it'll be under a new name for sure. Leono and Molotov are undercard lifers although Leono was at least given a chance! Camorra and Inquisidor are also unlikely to go anywhere. Obviously I'm a Bronco fan. He's young and still has a lot to learn. Hopefully he'll go somewhere someday but probably not soon. His size will definitely help him when it comes time to decide who to push.
- Leono moving around nicely to start off.
- Will Inquisidor manage to finish the match without injuring anyone?
- I get the feeling the story about GMJr will be interesting when it eventually comes out. I'm sure he's a legit kid of Black Terry's but I wonder how exactly he fits into the family tree.
- Okay that's the first thing someone needs to tell Bronco: STOP SPRINGBOARDING INTO THE RING! You're a big guy - take advantage of it and step over the ropes!
- Excellent exchange with Molotov/Bronco leading to the asai moonsault from the tecnico!
- Good thing Camorra rolled out of the ring or that Leono finish woulda been epic.
- Creative little start to GMJr/Iniquisidor's sequence.
- GMJr is getting awesome. And Inquisidor was a great base there.
- Kicking your opponent to death is not a creative finish but certainly effective.
- The crowd LOVES when Bronco misses that diving splash! One day he's gonna hit it!
- Awesome flip plancha by GMJr!
- Lame tope suicida from Leono.
- Molotov gets the win with his neat finisher!
- Perfectly acceptable match. Bronco did really good here and the tecnicos played off him well by doing double team spots to take him down and Molotov even jumping to shoulderblock him down early in the match. The big guy looks good when he wrestles like a big guy but also when the smaller guys wrestle like they are facing a big guy.

Stuka Jr./Fuego vs Delta/Diamante - Arena Coliseo Tag Team Titles Bout

- T-shirts are back for the challengers. They look awful in them. I know I sound like Bryan now.
- Generic opening matwork by Stuka/Delta.
- Fuego with some nice flips but then gets dropkicked. The smarks explode...
- Nasty spill off the top by Diamante and then there's the backdrop onto his face! Stuka/Fuego take the first fall.
- Delta starts the fall looking really good.
- Great counter to the SFTD headscissors and a nice little sequence afterwards!
- OW. Fuego not expecting the asai moonsault.
- Another nice exchange by Fuego/Diamante and Fuego counters the rope bouncing rana with a power bomb!
- There's a submission that doesn't look painful at all. Diamante out! Surprise roll-up and Fuego is out! Surprise roll-up and Stuka is out! That wasn't very dramatic.
- Third fall JIP.
- Fuego with a springboard roll-up! *LMAO*
- Diamante/Delta dives are nicely done!
- Fuego busting out every roll-up he knows...
- And Diamante's mask almost falls off by accident which leads to the refs trying to help him put it back on and everyone falls down... that was embarassing... DTU level embarassing.
- Oooohhhhh... the old do a tope suicida on your own partner by accident spot!
- Announcers mention Fuego is looking to get back to where he was when he was known as Flash. So... why would he change gimmicks just to move down on the card? Bad time to bring this up.
- DIAMANTE DOWN! That was a neat spot!
- Announcers say Diamante is out but he hasn't even been out of the ring for 15 seconds after the missed dive...
- There's Stuka's secondary finisher! Delta is out!
- Noticeable edit b/c of the weird noise.
- And there's Stuka's main finisher - the Torpedo Splash! Champs retain!
- Definitely not as good as last week's match. The first two falls really weren't all that special here and the third fall had a lot of awkward moments. The build-up to the tournament final was much better than the final. Still betting on CMLL taking the belts off Stuka/Fuego within a month just to prove this tournament was useless other than to create a random tournament for the Sunday shows.

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