Various Comments:
Stuka Jr. in Guadalajara: He's been in a couple full matches and a couple clipped ones. His spots are still jaw-dropping and he moves around the ring like a 20 year veteran. This guy is money in the bank if he doesn't blow out his knees. One of the cooler spots I saw him do was an asai moonsault dive where he landed STANDING ON A FRONT ROW SEAT! His execution is so perfect that it scares me. Reminds me a lot of Volador.
Santo/Mistico vs Averno/Mephisto + Mistico vs Averno: These matches took place in the span of two weeks in Guadalajara with the tag being used to setup the singles match. Tag match was pretty decent early on but fell apart in the third fall. I don't get why but everyone just seemed lost and they botched setting up Santo's diving tope into a tope suicida. The singles match the following week was the usual good Mistico/Averno match but they never tried to make it anything special. If you've seen the 1/30 match, you have no reason to see this one. It's shorter and they do a lot of the same spots. One good thing is the building looked PACKED for both these matches. The same could not be said when Atlantis/Bucanero were headlining on another show I watched.
CMLL TV April 14/1991: What an awesome episode! Started off with a video package introducing Octagoncito who was making his debut. Fun skit with him and Octagon practicing karate with each other. The first match was Mascarita/Octcito/Aguilita Solitaria vs Piratita/Espectrito/Pequeno Cobarde. This was FAR from the norm of mini's matches... at least from what I've come to expect. In fact, this was probably the closest thing to a squash match I've ever seen in Lucha Libre. The tecnicos DOMINATED from the start to finish(only two falls). It was seriously just 14 straight minutes of the rudos bumping all over the place except for 30-40 seconds in the second fall where they did a triple team spot. No exaggeration. The tecnicos were on FIRE throughout the entire 14 minutes and were doing spots they had no right to be doing for a 1991 match. Espectrito at one point took a kick from Mascarita and did a Jack Evans style flip bump onto his head! Where did that come from??? I won't spoil all the amazing spots but this match has my highest reccomendation if you just want to see how amazing mini's can be. The more I watch of the first generation mini's, the more I realize how wrong I was when I said they sucked. They might not be as spectacular when it comes to dive but in the ring they blow the current mini's out of the water. Next up was Mogur/Javier Cruz/Huracan Sevilla vs Herodes/Sultan Gargola/Gran Sheik. Standard match with rudos taking the first fall and tecnicos quickly winning the second fall. Third fall had some nick back and forth stuff and a great finishing sequence. Third match surprised me... it was Atlantis/Mascara Sagrada/Pirata Morgan vs El Egipcio/Mascara Ano 2000/Universo 2000. FUCKING GREAT! It started off slow so I got a little bored and figured it'd be a bad match but they picked it up in the second fall starting with a SICKENING BUMP from El Egipcio. It was the old Fuerza spot where he gets kicked in the ass and flies through the ropes but Egipcio went through the first/second rope and crashed HARD on the floor. It was a great spot b/c it allowed the tecnicos to control the ring 3-on-2 and win the fall which made sense since they lost the first fall b/c they were down 3-on-2. Third fall had tons of great action. I loved the finish as everyone teased doing a dive but kept getting cut off until finally Universo went for one but hit his brother. Once again the tecnicos had a 2-on-1 advantage in the ring and won. Great effort. Before the main event they showed the opener of the show(I guess there was extra TV time) which was Felino/Solar II vs Panico/Chicano Power Jr.. Another fun match. Solar II did a monkey flip on the floor to Chicano Power Jr. which was scary since so many fans were still coming into the building so it could have easily turned into a disaster. Lots of great simple moves by the tecnicos. Nice little finish to the match as well. Main event was the only bad part of the show as it had Octagon vs Satanico. Just 15 minutes of Satanico kicking Octagon's ass, ripping his mask and making him bleed. He got DQ'ed in the first fall and in the second fall Octagon basically hulked up, hit a big move and then for some reason decided to elbowdrop Satanico before pinning him. Pretty crappy end to an awesome show. Definitely worth picking up.
Mascarita Sagrada 2000/Octagoncito/La Parkita vs Mini Abismo Negro/Mini Psicosis/Mini Chessman: This is from AAA TV 7/1/05 in Queretaro. Not so much of a great match... just a match that you must see b/c everyone dies.
I hadn't seen the AAA mini's in a while so I was excited to see what Mascarita had invented since I'd last seen him and he didn't disapoint! One of his first spots was a crazy 6-1-9 into a satellite headscissors! The tecnicos all did a bunch of great flying early on before the rudos took over. Mini Abismo is the only mini rudo with decent offence though so the match kinda dragged until the comeback and then things just went fucking crazy. First Octagoncito slides Mini Abismo outside after a great exchange and he runs up top for a dive... does a corkscrew plancha but OVERSHOOTS Mini Abismo and piledrives himself on the floor! BRUTAL! Dead mini count: 1. Next up Mascarita does a few cool spots with Mini Chessman and sends him outside, tries a double springboard twisting moonsault dive but also overshoots Mini Chessman and lands hard on the guardrail, the momentum causing him to land right on his head/neck as Mini Chessman taps him on the back to let him know he's okay. I'm sure Mascarita was happy to know that.
Dead mini count: 2. La Parkita must have seen the carnage and figured he had to top them all somehow so after Mini Psicosis missed a charge and went outside, Parkita climbed up for his usual moonsault dive but you could see he had no balance and when he got to the top he slipped and fell onto the ropes, then the turnbuckle and right onto his head in the middle of the ring.:/ Hilarious blown spot but Mini Psicosis covered as well as you can. Dead mini count: 3. Forget how the match ended, it doesn't matter! This was pure carnage for that entire two minute sequence.
Oscuridad/Rio Bravo/Tito Santana vs Hombre Sin Miedo/Laredo Kid/Babe Rap: This was from AAA TV 7/29/05 in Madero. They had two rings setup beside each other, one four sided and one six sided. This took place in the four sided ring. These guys are all locals from Nuevo Leon and shockingly were allowed to get alot of TV time and even got three falls to work with! The star of this for me was Babe Rap. He did this one spot using the ropes... shit... I can't even fucking describe it, I wish I had a capture card for a moment like this. I'll give it a shot though... he grabbed two of the rudos by their hands and then lept onto the second rope(not turnbuckle)... he then did a forward 360 so he flipped right onto the top rope and then backflipped back onto his feet to armdrag them over. It might be hard to picture but I swear that's what he did! Later on he even did a quadrople springboard armdrag where he used the second/third rope on one side of the ring and the second/third rope on the other side to finish it off. He hit it perfectly too! Laredo Kid also looked good here but that may have been just b/c of Rio Bravo who looks like a good base. Lots of dives from the tecnicos. Hombre Sin Miedo lives up to his name as he came close to crashing into the ringpost of the second ring when he did a somersault over the top in the second fall. In the third fall he had the dive of the night with a 10 foot high somersault plancha off the ringpost! Tecnicos won when Babe Rap did a shooting star press as Laredo Kid did a 450 splash. I need to see more of these guys.
Chessman: I've been slowly going through some of the newer AAA and he is still clearly head and shoulders above everyone. It's amazing how in every trios or atomicos match that occurs, every rudo finds one tecnico to work one exchange with and that's it. You never see them at any other point in the match except the rudo beatdown. With Chessman, he makes sure to work one exchange with every tecnico and when it comes time to catch the dives... he's there for everyone. You can see how every tecnico has so much more confidence as well when they are in the ring with him. That has to be the ultimate sign of being a great rudo.
CMLL TV 9/17/05: Ah, the Anniversary Show. Womens match was joined in progress near the end and looked really good. The trios match with Mistico returning was fantastic. Very predictable as the only goal was to get Mistico over and have Ultimo issue the challenge but a hot crowd made the match better than it actually was. Second fall had an awesome Mistico spot where he looked like he was about to slip off the top rope while running but somehow kept his balance and turned it into a GORGEOUS leaping corkscrew plancha into an armdrag on Mephisto. Mexico vs Japan was really fun b/c I love seeing Los GDI work as tecnicos. I got to see Ultimo work a full-fledged tecnico on two Guadalajara episodes and he is just as good tecnico as he is rudo. I was surprised since he doesn't seem like the type that can do the fancy armdrags and headscissors. Stupid me for forgetting that ULTIMO GUERRERO IS A FUCKING MACHINE! The three way hair match made no sense in the world. What happened to the old style coin flips to decide who faces who first? Why did Garza not care that Perrito took the first fall and saved his hair? Why is La Nazi helping Garza? Brutal.
CMLL TV 10/8/05: The women's match wasn't too great. Even though I still love Marcela and Amapola, if I see more matches like this I will turn into Henrik and bitch the women out every chance I get. The National Trios Titles match was FUCKING AWFUL. Forget the title change that made no sense... shouldn't the tecnicos have put forth their best effort since they were getting the biggest win of their career? The best worker in the match was Nitro. NITRO FOR FUCKS SAKE! Third fall was very sloppy and had no drama to it. Mr. Aguila in the Perros Del Mal is fun. Now the matches are still great brawls but you also get some flying tossed in. I am more excited about this feud more than ever.
I don't think I even need to mention the main event was tons of fun. It's like AAA '94/'95, you just KNOW the main events are great, no questions asked.
Alan Stone/Catemaco vs Neo/Geo: Got this on an episode of Promo Azteca I was missing and watched this right away but haven't seen the rest of the show. As you can imagine... FANTASTIC. Neo and Geo are wrestling gods. The tecnicos were both really green but the rudos were just AMAZING. There was one spot Catemaco did where he really didn't have to do anything as the rudos just lifted him and spun him and such, then took rolling bumps so it looked like he did this amazing spot but if you rewatch it... it was all Neo and Geo.
I could watch a match like this over and over and over and over. PUSH CALIGULA DAMNIT!
Leon Blanco/Tigre Blanco/Tigre Metalico vs Dr. X/Hooligan/Magnum: This was from an October CMLL Guadalajara episode. Can't remember too much about it except that I really enjoyed it when I watched it. Hooligan gets a lot of ring time so that had something to do with it I'm sure.
I'm thinking there is gold in a future Leono/Leon Blanco vs Tigre Blanco/Tigre Metalico feud.
1966 Lucha: Yes... 1966 FUCKING LUCHA! This is on the end of Fredo's Classic Lucha 87 Vol. 2 DVD and it's a tag match with El Solitario/someone vs El Rebelde/someone. I knew I shouldn't watched this b/c after seeing the first 20 seconds I loved it so much I had to stop the DVD the other day. But today I watched the full thing and loved it even more! It's hard to explain but everything they did was so simple and yet innovative. Maybe not innovative as much as it was just a different way to do it... a way guys these days just don't bother using. Match was very fast and had a couple of spots I would have never imagined guys in 1966 doing. The only reason I'm trying not to go too crazy over this awesome match is b/c IT'S 1960'S FUCKING LUCHA LIBRE! WHERE THE HELL WOULD I EVEN GET TO SEE ANY MORE OF IT? Exactly! Nowhere!
The entire DVD is great by the way. The rest is stuff from 1987 and is a ton of fun. Stuka, Atlantis, Satanico, MS-1, Tony Salazar... you want this all so GET IT!
AAA TV 6/18/05 Part 1: Stupid women's tag to start off. Just awful. Pena should have realized CMLL was gonna start using the women and just brought everyone in for his division. I think I'd like them working AAA better. Next up was a revancha match with El Angel/Colordman/T.D. vs The Black Family. The previous TV taping had this same match and it... wasn't... so... good. Chessman cost the tecnicos the match so naturally he came out with the Black Family here and cut a great promo. T.D. ended up dropkicking him outside and chasing him to the back which let the Black Family take the advantage at the start. After the comeback the match got AWESOME. Each tecnico worked an exchange with each rudo and the exchange were pretty much flawless. It built well with T.D. doing a bunch of great armdrags, Colorman doing basic stuff and then Angel tearing it up with some crazy moves. He did a great satellite armdrag on Ozz and then tore it up with Escoria ending with a neat headscissors sending Escoria outside and then doing the Silver King dive into an armdrag! Chessman then ran out and I thought to myself "why?"... and then I figured it out b/c T.D. sent Chessman outside and nailed him with a running somersault plancha over the ringpost! Remember what I always say about Chessman... the AAA tecnicos will only do their big dives if he is catching! Colorman sent Ozz outside and went for a running somersault plancha of his own but in very Chicago Express fashion, his gut made contact with the top rope and he went... BOOM! Vicious blown dive and he's just lucky he tucked his head at the last second. Angel then sent Escoria outside and *BARELY* cleared the guardrail with a plancha into the crowd! Cuervo grabbed T.D. and Chessman went for a low blow but T.D. jumped and Chessman hit his partner, then got dropkicked outside and T.D. pinned Cuervo to win. Great match and angle. Next up was the now infamous match where Intocable got hurt. Weird match as the crowd was actually boo'ing Antifaz and Alan Stone all match long. Could AAA fans be mad that new guys were brought in??? Match actually started off good so it sucks Intocable got hurt right when the rudos were ready to take over. Tecnicos eventually came back but things were a complete mess. Alan Stone did an ugly running somersault plancha onto Aguila in the only real highspot. A bunch of guys ran out to interfere and while the chaos was going on Alan/Aguila were still doing nearfalls. Psicosis/PsicoHisteria brawled on the outside while Antifaz just watched. In the ring Alan finally pinned Aguila after a missed 450 splash and a headscissor roll-up. Finish got a pop which was Alan's first of the night.
CMLL TV August - October 2005:
Sagrado/Crazy Boy/El Satanico vs. Arkangel de la Muerte/Sangre Azteca/Hijo de Pierroth - 3rd Fall Only!
- Sagrado did a cool exchange with Arkangel. Crazzy Boy then did about 30 highspots in the span of 2 minutes, all of which were moves way too complicated for the rudos to sell. Most overrated wrestler of the year award is all locked up. Cheap finish.
Torneo to determine the 2nd finalist for the Mexican version of the G1 Climax:
8-man Battle Royal to determine teams...
Torneo Cibernetico: Volador Jr./Texano Jr./Leono/Nitro vs. Safari/Kronos/Neutron/Dr. X
- Dr. X is the first one out in the battle royale and he takes a SICK BUMP snapping his neck on the hard floor which of course gets replayed about 10 times. I liked the Cibernetico from the previous week more than this one. Everyone looked good but it didn't have as much heat or drama. Plus the eliminations made no sense with Volador Jr. and Neutron going out so early. It's a sad visual when Texano Jr./Nitro are in the ring while Volador Jr./Neutron are in the middle of walking to the back.
Some really nice dives, Texano Jr. busted out *3*! He loses points for doing the same one twice. Kronos showed nothing. Leono looks like he will be really fun some day.
Only new Momentos spot was a running somersault plancha by Leono onto Ramstein.
Negro Casas/Heavy Metal/Felino vs. Ultimo Guerrero/Rey Bucanero/Olimpico
- Fucking awesome sprint! They didn't hold back at all! Multiple dives in each fall, some amazing counters, an insane Negro/Ultimo exchange and Felino tearing it up. YOU WANT THIS MATCH! If the third fall had been longer this would have been a trios MOTYC for me. I wish they had done a rematch.
Hijo del Perro Aguayo/Hector Garza/Tarzan Boy vs. Pierroth/Halloween/Damian 666 - Halloween & Damian 666 turn on Pierroth!
- The turn was pretty awesome as Pierroth was bullying Perro Jr. in the corner and Damian/Halloween ripped their shirts off to reveal "Perros Del Mal" shirts. Perro Jr. told Pierroth to turn around and then... BOOM! PIERROTH GOT DESTROYED! Just an amazing angle and huge heat. I would rate it on equal level in terms of heat to the Gringos dressing up as Payasos angle. Fantastic stuff with Hijo Del Pierroth getting destroyed as well.
Pretty good show.
Arkangel/Apocalipsis/Mr. Mexico vs. Virus/Crazy Boy/Kronos
- Man is Kronos ever fat. He should at least wear some loose clothing to hide it instead of a tight spandex outfit that just makes him look awful. Crazzy Boy as usual just did a bunch of highspots but I marked out for the pinning move he used to end the first fall. Second fall was all rudos. I hate when they just take over right away instead of a little build to it. Third fall was more rudos and they won. Yay for 3 hour episodes, boo for matches that have no reason airing.
Bronco/Satanico/Sagrado vs. Okumura/Taguchi/Hijo de Pierroth
- Speaking of no reason to air. Wasn't a bad match but was just full of guys who are so plain. Bronco/Sagrado did nice dives at the end.
Safari/Chamaco Valaguez Jr. vs. Doctor X/Nitro
- Yay for 3 hour episodes!
This was *AWESOME*! Just total old school lucha with matwork, some exchanges, some rudo brawling and a long third fall with many near finishes. Valaguez Jr. trimmed down which was neat. He almost did a tope suicida onto his head in the first fall. I found that quite neat too.
Rudos looked great in the second fall. Third fall was a perfect little tag match with all the guys being involved in the nearfalls. Stuff like this is why I am so sad we miss most undercard matches.
Dark Angel/Sahori/Marcela vs. Princesa Sugey/Amapola/Hiroka
- At the risk of angering Henrik... I liked this.
Some neat moves from the ladies and they were going all out to impress. Dark Angel even looked good! I KNOW! WHO JUST SAID THAT? Fredo was right... she almost killed herself at the end of the match trying a top-rope frankensteiner and mis-timing it so she landed right on her head. I am shocked she got up and did the normal finish. Amapola almost did a tope suicida onto her head. Bad night for tope suicidas so far. Sahori and Hiroka were the only two who seemed out of place since they couldn't keep up.
Momentos only had one new spot - Pierrothito doing a plancha off the second rope inside the ring onto Ultimo Dragoncito. Oh c'mon, in a six man mini's tag you're telling me that was the best spot? Pfft.
La Mascara vs. Texano Jr. - G1 Climax Final (Mexico Version)
- Very disapointing. These guys both blow. They each did nice dives but there was no crowd reaction to anything they did and the only time either showed emotion was when Texano Jr. won. Horrible choice of finalists.
Dos Caras Jr./Ultimo Dragon/Lizmark Sr. vs. Mascara 2000/Universo 2000/Mascara Magica
- Oh man, give Lizmark another 6 months and he'll be Anibal 1991 level! He tried to dropkick MA2K and barely hit his ankles! Now that's pretty brutal. Dos Jr. looked great here... future CMLL ace. Did an awesome tope over the top rope onto Universo in the first fall. They did a dive train in the third fall and then U2K made Dos Jr. give up. Better than both Coliseo matches and the G1 Final.
Mistico/Atlantis/Negro Casas/Heavy Metal vs. Hijo del Perro Aguayo/Hector Garza/Damian 666/Halloween
- WHOA! The crowd was WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY HOT for this! Seriously... Mistico and the Perros Del Mal are so over - it's FRIGHTENING! The crowd was really into booing Atlantis as well and he wasn't taking it well at all. Heavy Metal still sucks. The crowd made this match... I haven't heard them this loud in ages... it was crazy. I can't remember most of the match even though I was so into it but it's well worth seeing. Third fall was tons of fun. Mistico did two great dives and La Familia were bumping like crazy for everyone.
3 hour episodes are AWESOME! The next one looks even better!
I'm very disapointed they've stopped doing the intros in front of the ring so we can't watch some undercard matches for a few seconds.
L.A. Park/Dos Caras Jr./Ultimo Dragon vs. Halloween/Damian 666/Tarzan Boy
- Pretty good match. Tarzan didn't do much but well... he's Tarzan. Parka was on fire throughout and Dos Jr. as usual looked great. Dragon did an awesome asai moonsault in the third fall and the finishing sequence was SICK! La Parka is insane and everyone seems to step their game up when he's around.
Momentos had two new spots... Black Warrior doing a tope of death on Ultimo Guerrero as Heavy Metal did a somersault off the apron onto Olimpico or maybe it was Rey Bucanero. Then Sensei did a cool somersault plancha off the top onto Super Comando at Arena Mexico.
Mistico/Hijo del Perro Aguayo/Dr. Wagner Jr. vs. Atlantis/Universo 2000/Ultimo Guerrero - Relevos Increibles
- Awesome match. The crowd LOVED the "tecnico" team and was very into boo'ing the "rudos". Mistico and Ultimo did some great stuff together as usual and Mistico even worked well with Universo at some points. Third fall was off the charts great.
Hector Garza vs. Pierroth - Hair Match
- I could live just fine without ever seeing another Pierroth singles match. Garza tried but this was more of an angle than a match. I did find it cool when all the Perros Del Mal(including Tarzan) came out and then 50,000 Pierroths walked out. Probably all the undercarders under the hoods.
Not the greatest show but worth seeing if you have the cash.
Brazo de Plata/Negro Casas/Ultimo Dragon vs. Okumura/Taguchi/Ohara
- What a waste of my life. First two falls were more boring than the Pierroth vs Gran Markus classics. Ohara didn't get the opportunity to do ANYTHING. He was Negro Casas' whipping boy all match long which is exactly how he got this spot on the card I'm guessing.
Momentos was fabulous for a change. It was basically the Bam Bam show as the first clip had him doing the old Silver King dive into an armdrag on Sombrita! AWESOME SPOT! Next clip had him doing the Mistico running tornillo onto Pequeno Violencia. This guy looks awesome but he's taller and bigger than Mini Abismo Negro so I'm thinking eventually he'll get the push into the normal sized division. Next clip was Starman/Valiente doing a doomsday device dropkick spot to ~CALIGULA! Kronos tope suicida's Arkangel. Finally from Arena Mexico, Volador Jr. with a running somersault plancha onto Hijo Del Pierroth.
Universo 2000/Mascara 2000/Satanico vs. Hijo del Perro Aguayo/Tarzan Boy/Hector Garza
- *yawn* Have I not seen this match roughly 30 times this year? At least it only went two falls.
El Hijo del Santo/Mistico/Dr. Wagner Jr. vs. Ultimo Guerrero/Averno/Mephisto
- Show saving match! But you all should have expected that. This is like AAA '95 with Santo, Rey, Panther, Fuerza, Psicosis, Volador, Juventud, Octagon, Pentagon, Misterioso, etc. You just gotta form some sort of trios match involving six of your top guys and they will tear the house down. Crowd was insanely hot for Mistico and Santo making his Arena Mexico return. Mistico might have done the fastest La Mistica ever to end the first fall. Ultimo spun Santo/Mistico around at the same time for over 15 seconds at the end of the second fall! Third fall was off the charts. You all want to see this match!
Pretty weak show saved by a great Momentos and awesome main event. This show is why 10 for $50 deals were invented.
Tigre Blanco/Tigre Metalico/Kronos vs. Loco Max/Arkangel/Hooligan
- Really fun opener although I did expect more. Tigre Metalico/Hooligan ALMOST pulled off the coolest spot ever doing a slingshot into a bodyscissors but it got messed up. Kronos looked the best he has yet... shoockinly when he was in the ring with Hooligan. I WONDER WHY THAT WAS!?!?!?! Perfectly acceptable opener.
Maximo/Metro/Volador Jr. vs. Sangre Azteca/Nitro/Doctor X
- Fun little match. Volador Jr. was doing most of the work for the tecnicos obviously as Metro blows and Maximo is more show than substance. All the falls had great finishes and the third fall had lots of back and forth stuff. I must also add the rudos were decked out in *AWESOME* triple masks. That is, they all had 1/3rd of the mask their own and the other 2 parts were their partners' masks. Really neat.
Negro Casas/Dr. Wagner Jr./Dos Caras Jr. vs. Shinsuke Nakamura/Hiroshi Tanahashi/Averno
- I expected way more. The only really good stuff was when Averno was in the ring with Wagner. The Japanese guys were working really soft and you could really tell they were holding back on their strikes as if they were afraid to stiff someone. Averno took a sick suplex to the floor in the second fall. I think Wagner was supposed to hold him up but he slipped and Averno was lucky he landed right or that could have been devastating for him.
Momentos was crappy. Heavy Metal couldn't even do a somersault off the apron properly. La Flecha with a double springboard elbowdrop off the top. Arkangel with a plancha onto Safari while Mr. Mexico splashes Sagrado and Sangre Azteca dropkicks Pantera in the butt. Rest was repeated spots.
Ultimo Guerrero/Rey Bucanero/Olimpico vs. El Hijo del Santo/Mistico/La Mascara
- This was the match where Mistico got hurt. Everyone scrambled after that. Nobody could figure out how to end the first fall so Guerrero let Santo pin him. Rudos quickly(VERY QUICKLY) won the second fall. Ref called the third fall off early and the rudos didn't seem to like it so they just ripped the masks off the tecnicos to get DQ'ed. Not much of a match b/c of the chaos after Mistico's injury.
Universo 2000/Mascara 2000/Apolo Dantes/El Satanico vs. Damian 666/Halloween/Hijo del Perro Aguayo/Hector Garza
- Boring. Whatever. Garza laid out MA2K with a tombstone at the end which didn't get the pop I thought it would. I think the crowd was busy watching Perrito trying to tombstone Universo.
Not the best of shows, especially considering they had 3 hours.
La Mascara/Satanico/Safari vs. Emilio Charles Jr./Sangre Azteca/Nitro
- Average opener. Nobody looked motivated... just a bland match with predictable finishes to each fall. Safari is weird as sometimes he looks really motivated and ready to tear shit up but other times he looks like a washed up guy who would rather be anywhere but in the ring.
Torneo Cibernetico for CMLL Women's Title Match Finalists:
Battle Royal to determine 2 teams...
La Nazi/Amapola/Linda Star/Sahori/Medusa vs. Marcela/La India Sioux/Dark Angel/Princesa Sugey/Hiroka
- Pretty good I guess. I expected more dives and flying since it's a Torneo but they worked it like a bunch of singles matches. Marcela/Amapola are sooooooooooooo ahead of all the other women, it's not even funny. Amapola even busted out the Skayde Special! The finish made no sense as the referees let Dark Angel/Marcela double team La Nazi which in theory should have had them both disqualified or at least Dark Angel since she wasn't legal.
Negro Casas/Dr. Wagner Jr./Dos Caras Jr. vs. Shinsuke Nakamura/Hiroshi Tanahashi/Averno - Rematch
- Lots of angle, very little match. Japanese guys turned on Averno. Dos Jr. looked great here though and did this amazing top-rope enzuigiri on Averno in the third fall. Of note... the announcers had no clue which was Nakamura and which was Tanahashi until the third fall.
Hijo del Perro Aguayo/Damian 666/Halloween vs. L.A. Park/Atlantis/Blue Panther
- This was where Atlantis began his official rudo turn. It was a good angle in theory but I don't think it came off too well. Parka looked amazing as usual. The third fall was really enjoyable but overall the match lacked something.
Hector Garza vs. Universo 2000
- Pretty much just a brawl. Couple of decent spots but really short and not as heated as I thought it'd be. Universo and Baby Richard got destroyed by Los Perros Del Mal after the match.
Really bad show. When the women's match is the best match on a show in Mexico, you KNOW you are in trouble. Save your money folks.
Sagrado/Maximo/Safari vs Emilio Charles Jr./El Hijo Del Pierroth/Ryusuke Taguchi
- Decent opener... far better than I expected. Crowd was really into it and they seemed to work a LITTLE harder than they normally would. Surprise finish was cool.
Momentos had a Kronos tope suicida and Leono assisted springboard plancha. Nothing else of note.
Torneo Leyenda De Plata
- Probably the best storyline booked match in CMLL history. Every elimination told some sort of story and everyone knew why certain tecnicos and rudos kept fighting each other. Things got really heated at the end. I loved the way the Japanese guys got eliminated and so did the crowd. GENIUS. More story than action though so don't look for a great **** match.
Mistico vs Ultimo Guerrero
- Not another MOTYC folks... sorry. I was entertained by this though but then again I am the biggest Mistico mark in the world. First fall beatdown on Mistico + comeback was really awesome. Second fall was really short(really really REALLY short) and I can already see people bitching about it ending so quick but it did make sense as Mistico got destroyed when Ultimo had him but when he got loose and went crazy with flying... he won the first fall. Ultimo finally caught him again in the second fall and it was done.
Third fall got like 8 minutes though and had a couple of neat falls and spots. They did this really cool sunset flip spot out of a inverted Gory Special(Vertebreaker). Mistico did his best plancha over the ringpost yet. I enjoyed the finishing sequence. Atlantis running in for the DQ was fun but then CMLL used that same finish for another 4 weeks so it got lame.
Fun show. Mistico vs Ultimo is FUN if you're a fan of their feud. Don't buy if you are just looking for a 4-5 star masterpiece. Damnit I want their Monterrey match!
CMLL TV 10/15/05:
Show began with clips of the CMLL training system. That was AWESOME. Seeing Artillero, Epidemia, Cyber Black and others go through their routine was just fantastic. Those are the future stars! Well maybe not those guys in particular. They are just *MY* future stars of Momentos.
Virus/Tony Rivera/Trueno vs Arkangel/Dr. X/Mr. Mexico
- WOOHOO! Now THIS is how you open a show up on a good note. Great first fall. Trueno is cool... he tried a lot of nice flying stuff and granted only half of it hit... at least he tried and I love that. He added a lot of excitement to the match. Second fall only had Virus showing his stuff before the rudos took over and did a nice beatdown. They did a clip in the third fall but it still went a while with some nice nearfalls/near submissions. Horrible camerawork ALMOST botched the finish. Trueno took care of that by botching the finish himself.
Still... really good match. Can't wait to see the tecnicos vs tecnicos six man tag from 10/22 TV.
More clips of the training session going on. Artillero is the worker of the group.
Ultimo Dragon/Negro Casas/Lizmark Jr. vs Tarzan Boy/Averno/Mephisto
- Awful. Predictable. Boring. I feel like I see this same match at least once every two weeks. Averno's mask was too cool for this awful match. Lizmark Jr. barely got in but I'm sure that was deliberate and for the betterment of the match.
Momentos had a nice Safari tope suicida to start. La Flecha did his double springboard flying elbowdrop which I liked but I thought to myself - "damn... that was the match where I saw Stuka Jr. do a moonsault over the ringpost, why couldn't they have aired that?" - and just to show that the Momentos editor and I are on the same page, the next spot was Stuka Jr.'s AWESOME moonsault over the ringpost! GET THIS GUY ON TV MORE!!! Other spots were from matches that happened the week before but I tried not to look since I don't have the show yet.
Apolo/MA2K/U2K/Pierroth vs Perrito/Damian 666/Halloween/Aguila
- AWESOME!!! Fucking heated brawl with creative stuff going on. Aguila looks so badass. First fall was really neat as Perrito did his double stomp but as his teammates covered Universo, the other guys ganged up on Perrito and pinned him. Refs counted each fall and they were the captains so they declared the fall a wash and just started the second fall. Second fall was nuts with guys diving all over the place left and right... Aguila's being the best obviously. I am sooooooooooooo happy to see him back in CMLL as he used to be one of my favorites. His strikes are still awful but he has great charisma and can still fly. Everyone was brawling outside after the dives(which were not done one by one which is a refreshing change) so they all got counted out. Another fall decides nothing. So the third fall is for all the marbles. Lots of nice back and forth stuff until Universo gets fed up and low blows Perrito. Everyone brawls afterwards. I loved this!
Mistico vs Atlantis
- MISTICO! *clap clap clap* MISTICO! *clap clap clap* ... was not what happened in this one. *L* Big time rudo crowd supported Atlantis and Mistico for the first time got boo'ed pretty badly. Don't get me wrong, half the crowd was still rooting for him but they got drowned out b/c it's mostly women/kids while all the loud guys wanted to be "cool" and cheer for Atlantis. It really seemed to effect Mistico as he blew 3 different moonsaults *HORRIBLY*. Two of them he landed on his chest and the crowd laughed. The third one was just a debacle... he went up top and lept off but flew sideways like Kidman on that Nitro where he landed on the ropes... so he flies off sideways and lands ON THE ROPES, then luckily bounces off and onto his feet. He seemed stunned so the next spot looked weird. Still... they had the crowd really into it with a smartly worked match. Atlantis still doesn't have me sold as a rudo. Seems more like a tecnico playing the rudo role hoping he can get cheered again and turn back. The first fall stuff with Atlantis abusing Quemonito was GOLD. Mistico's comeback was GOLD. The finish was GOLD. Second fall wasn't quite as golden.
Third fall got lots of time and had a lot of drama but Mistico just kept blowing stuff and Atlantis has a weak offense... or rather, he has no moves... especially for a heel. Mistico did an awesome dive. Fans BOO'ED when Mistico unlaced Atlantis' mask so you could see the awful ending coming. Horrible ref bump(I think Mistico was out of position) and then Atlantis had his hood yanked off and Mistico rolled him up for the win. Crowd BOO'ED LIKE CRAZY. But when those idiots died down, all you could hear was 'Mistico' chants again so all was right with the world. Match was booked awful and nobody could have predicted the crowd's reactions. Not one of the better Mistico's singles matches but still good. I think Meltzer gave it ****(yes?) so I see we're back to overrating stuff when it's hot like AAA '94.
***1/4 at max if anything. Too many blown spots and awkward moments.
Great episode to pick up but make sure you get the full version b/c it's cool to go from the quiet Coliseo opener where it's workrate heavy to a midcard match getting the crowd hot to a heated brawl and finally the big main event everyone came to see.
CMLL needs more TV.
CMLL TV April - July 2005:
CMLL TV 4/2/05(Galavision tomorrow afternoon)...
~Mistico!/Shocker/Black Warrior vs Ultimo Guerrero/Rey Bucanero/Tarzan Boy: Joined after the entrances. The big feud is Mistico/Bucanero. Guerreros dominate the first fall with triple team moves. They tried the move where they flip Mistico so he does a 360 in mid-air and lands on his chest but it got messed up a bit. Second fall is more Guerreros until Shocker/Warrior take out Ultimo/Tarzan leaving Mistico alone with Bucanero. Couple of nice moves by Mistico and he nails the Mistica but Tarzan breaks it up. Shocker and Quemonio pin Tarzan and Warrior pins Ultimo. Bucanero runs from Mistico who decides screw that because... HE CAN FLY! Sorta... he tried a springboard armdrag into the aisleway but something got screwed up. Bucanero took the bump but it didn't look too fluid. Third fall was tons of fun. Bucanero was great playing the chickenshit heel who refused to face Mistico one-on-one. Ultimo had two nice exchanges with Warrior and then Shocker. Mistico FINALLY got Bucanero alone in the ring and went nuts on him with a huracanrana, crazy springboard spinning armdrag and then a running somersault plancha into a frankensteiner on the floor! WOOHOO! THAT'S WHY WE LOVE MISTICO!
Warrior and Tarzan had another nice exchange with both guys ending up on the floor at one point and avoiding dives by the other. Warrior finally connected with a somersault plancha off the apron. Ultimo caught Quemonito going for the same dive off the apron but before he could SQUASH HIM(Kids in the Hall, anyone?) Shocker made the save with a plancha. Mistico did a dropsault on Bucanero and then nailed a 6-1-9 and springboard dropkick. As he lifted Bucanero up, the rudo yanked off his mask for the cheap DQ. Still a pretty great match but anything involving Mistico seems to be great.
Apolo Dantes/Mascara Ano 2000/Universo 2000 vs Perro Aguayo Jr./Canek/Pierroth: Not so hot... duh. Perrito was great as usual but his teammates are just lost causes. Canek in particular was quite embarassing. There was this awful spot where he got hiptossed but his body wouldn't let him take the bump and he almost spiked himself on his own head.:/ Maybe a sign that it's time to quit? El Hijo Del Canek did a run-in for the DQ. Totally skippable.
Momentos was decent. Molotov made his first appearence. Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Neutron went over Ramstein with a diving tope in the ring. Zumbido did a nice running somersault plancha over the ringpost.
Heavy Metal/Felino/Safari vs Black Tiger/Damian 666/Halloween: Does this make any sense to you guys... Heavy Metal looked awful and yet amazingly better than his performance from the week before.
I was surprised at how good this was. Metal is really not capable of bringing the goods any more, Felino/Safari can both be unmotivated at times, likewise for Tiger and Damian/Halloween...well...I'm just not a huge fan but I do like them in certain situations. I guess this was one of those though as everything just clicked for all parties involved. First fall was a full sprint with everyone working armdrag and headscissor type spots. Felino nailed Halloween with a frankensteiner off the apron... SICK SOUNDING BUMP. There was a four way spot going on with Metal, Damian, Safari and Tiger ending up with Metal looking like he was gonna do an asai moonsault over Tiger and onto Damian but he just did a slingshot somersault into the ring as Safari slid under him and over Tiger... then hit Tiger with a headscissors off the apron. It looked way better than it reads.
Metal pinned Damian to win the fall. Second fall had more fast stuff instead of the usual quick brawling segment. Damian/Halloween did a wicked double team backbreaker spot and held Metal in mid-air for Tiger to do a running somersault legdrop! That was cool! Third fall had Halloween get his revenge on Felino by catching him doing a plancha and giving him an F-5 on the floor. Felino looked legit banged up. Safari and Tiger took a nasty spill to the floor. Refs weren't looking so Damian grabbed his cane - smacked Metal - and then to add insult to injury - low blowed Metal - for the win. Very AAAesque finish again by the Familia.
Atlantis/Blue Panther vs El Averno/El Mephisto - CMLL Tag Team Titles Bout: This was LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG. 20+ minutes and no edits. One thing that really surprised me though was the lack of heat. A tag title match and ATLANTIS... yet no heat. Very confusing. The biggest pop of the match was when the cameraman slipped on the ramp. I don't get it either as the guys weren't working a bad match at all. As I said it was long but it never dragged. There were a ton of nearfalls at the end but without the crowd into it... they just weren't so special. Third fall also had a shitload of dives which surprised me. I liked the finish a lot. Won't spoil it but perfect way to crown new champs. Kahoz celebrated with Averno/Mephisto afterwards and yet the announcers still won't mention who Mephisto really is.
CMLL TV 4/16/05...
~STUKA MOTHERFUCKING JR.!/Chamaco Valaguez Jr./Sensei vs Arkangel/Hooligan/El Koreano: Let's get this stuff out of the way first... Arkangel is perfectly fine but not motivated... Hooligan is Ultimo Guerrero-lite... El Koreano is a small fat man with no moveset... Sensei is Fantasy from Arena Naucalpan wearing a shitty mask, doing shitty kicks and wasting my time trying to be entertaining... Chamaco Valaguez Jr. is fat and tall, i.e. the exact opposite of what a tecnico should be... then there is... STUKA JR.! I don't even know how to describe him b/c I want to say "the best high flyer I've seen come along in a while"... but then there is Mistico to think of.
So Stuka Jr. will be the SECOND BEST FLYER I've seen come along in a while. This guy is AWESOME and will be a huge star in CMLL one day. You can't even believe some of the spots he does in this match. He has such amazing balance and agility, it's incredible. I don't want to be accused of overhyping this guy so I'll stop here but trust me... he will be a huge star and if you love seeing spots you've never seen before - he's your man! I could swear I said the same thing about some dude named Astro Boy.
Anywho... Satanico was in the tecnico corner for this one and Ultimo Guerrero had his brother's back. First fall was all about Stuka Jr. and nothing else. He did the Volador Jr. spot where Koreano is SUPPOSED to vault him onto the top rope so he can backflip off but Koreano was horribly out of position and Stuka was like "fuck you, I'll do it anyways" and somehow managed to keep his balance and pull the spot off perfectly. He then did a nice bullet tope suicida onto the little fat man. Sensei did a move that would make RVD happy... a forward roll into a spinning enzuigiri. While he was doing the move Arkangel went to celebrate with the rudo fans at ringside and re-entered the ring just in time to take the kick. Chamaco made Hooligan submit to... well... c'mon, do I really have to tell you guys?
Second fall was all about Sensei doing horrible mistimed kicks while poor Stuka had to just stand on the apron waiting for his chance to shine. Oh... Valaguez actually got to do some stuff but it was pretty bad. He bumped well for Hooligan's armdrags though. Valaguez should be a rudo, simple as that. Stuka finally got in the ring and did a cool handspring moonsault and then... GOT MOTHERFUCKING KILLED BY AN ARKANGEL LARIAT! It was B-R-U-T-A-L! Rudos took over from that point obviously and won the fall with a triple team submission on both Valaguez and Sensei at the same time. Stuka was busy re-attaching his head to his neck.
Third fall was interesting as the rudos allowed the tecnicos to re-group and didn't continue the beatdown. Some nice work all around before Sensei made Hooligan submit clean. WHAT THE FUCK? THAT PISSES ME OFF!!! Koreano then made Sensei submit. I'm not sure how that makes me feel. Stuka entered the ring... that made me happy. Koreano took a nice sallida bump(is that the only thing he can do?). Stuka faked a dive, went up top and hit a picture perfect moonsault plancha!!! Oh to have a picture of that for my wallpaper.
This left Valaguez and Arkangel. All is right in the world as Arkangel hit a Liger Bomb for the win. Die Valaguez. Die Sensei. I won't say die Koreano b/c he might be good as Apocalipsis.
Apolo Dantes/Mascara Ano 2000/Universo 2000 vs Perro Aguayo Jr./Hector Garza/Damian El Terrible: Bix will love this match. Fuck, I loved this match. Lots of HATE. Dinamitas attacked as Apolo made his entrance and the battle was on. They won the first fall with a nice triple team slingshot to Perrito into a judo throw followed by an Apolo flying splash. That was actually pretty neat. Second fall saw the Perros Del Mal fight back and the crowd was booing sooooooooooooooooooo loud. Terrible did a tope suicida onto MA2K. Garza took out Dantes with a moonsault off the second turnbuckle to the floor. Perrito pinned Universo with the double stomp off the top. Nice little slo-mo replay pointing out exactly when Universo's ribs got crushed. Third fall was full of drinks being thrown in people's faces. That's not very nice.:/ Universo took his shoulder bump to the floor and was nailed with silla. Garza put Apolo away with a pendulum swing while Terrible made MA2K submit. ... Clean win?!?! I guess that was to finish off the Perros Del Mal vs Capos feud for the time being as they were moving on to Mistico the following week I think.
Momentos had a nice flip plancha through the ropes by Ultimo Dragoncito onto Pierrothito. Not as much distance as he usually gets. Of note, the arena was PACKED and that was the opening match which is usually when people are still showing up. Needless to say, the main event for that show was Mistico vs Rey Bucanero which got the next two Momentos spots. First, Bucanero with the Bucanero Driver on Mistico to win the first fall. Second, Mistico with an amazing springboard plancha into the aisleway during the third fall. I hope Sin Limite airs that one day.
Next two clips were both from a Mexico vs Japan Arena Mexico match. Zumbido did his usual dive onto someone and then Satanico did his senton off the apron onto someone else.
Shocker/Dr. Wagner Jr./~MISTICO! vs Pierroth/El Averno/El Mephisto: Shocker kissed the mat when the match began since he knew it'd be his last Arena Mexico match for a while. First fall was really fun. Mistico did some nice work with Averno. The fall ended with Wagner doing a somersault plancha on Pierroth(bad catch) and Shocker pinning Averno while Mistico did La Mistica on Mephisto but over-rotated and landed right on Mephisto's back which is alright since Mistico weighs as much as me.
More fun stuff in the second fall. Mistico did a neat little spot I can't even describe. It was basically that spot where he gets pulled up while holding the ropes but he did a little twist with it so he landed away from his opponents and then did a 6-1-9 to Mephisto's chest. Mistico rules!
Rudos won the fall. Usual tecnico comeback in the third fall. Averno/Mephisto ended up outside so Shocker/Mistico could hit planchas on them from the same turnbuckle. Wagner pinned Pierroth clean with the Dr. Driver to win it for his team. Solid match.
Negro Casas/Felino/Heavy Metal vs Blue Demon Jr./Damian 666/Halloween: Wow... another impressive match. Actually, great angle beforehand as they were celebrating Negro's 25th anniversary as a luchador so Demon Jr. brought him a large present ODDLY SHAPED LIKE DAMIAN'S CANE. Halloween congratulated Negro and began to sing to him while Demon opened the gift. Naturally Damian yanked out the cane and smacked Negro with it. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!
Lots of neat spots in this one. Damian took a bump nobody at his age should be taking when he got sunset flip bombed off the apron straight to the floor by Felino. Metal even took a cool bump where he got double clotheslined and then did a backwards flip over Demon Jr. and to the outside. The teams split the first two falls with each fall having an awesome finish. The third fall was also pretty good. Damian blocked a Felino dive. Metal hit a really lame dive on Demon. Negro went for the silla on Halloween but was caught and held in mid-air for a few seconds until Damian came over with something(not sure what it was) and broke it over Negro's head for the DQ. Negro got stretchered. Like I said, pretty good effort and I really enjoyed it. Metal is still an entire step slower than everyone else though and really doesn't look like fits in at all.
CMLL TV 4/23/03:
Virus/Chris Stone/Chamaco Valaguez Jr. vs Hooligan/Loco Max/Guero Loco: Matches like this one are why it can sometimes be a bad thing to air Coliseo terceras.
Sorry Henrik, but it's the truth. As fun as it is to see new faces - sometimes they just don't belong on TV just yet. Valaguez Jr. and Guero Loco are whom I speak of although Chris Stone wrestles with an attitude like he'd rather be anywhere else but in the ring. First fall seemed to be joined in progress as right away we had Chris doing an asai moonsault on Hooligan, Valaugez Jr. doing an awful flying cross body press to pin Loco Max and Virus making Guero Loco give up. Second fall was FUCKING TORTURE! Awful awful awful brawling with no direction and everyone doing their own thing to get the pinfall/submission which is just silly. Third fall was pretty bad also. Hooligan did some nice moves but Loco Max and Guero Loco have no moveset so why keep them on offense this long? Tecnicos fight back... Virus does a frankensteiner off the apron to Hooligan on the floor... other two tecnicos quickly end it inside the ring and Valaguez Jr. will be on TV no mas. Thank you.
Dr. Wagner Jr./Dos Caras Jr./Lizmark vs Canek/Pierroth/Black Tiger: Ugh... this might have been the only match in the new batch of Lucha TV that I was actually dreading. was exactly what I was afraid of... he was an embarassment. Totally gassed out in the second fall after doing nothing the entire match and by the third fall he was practically immobile. He couldn't even do his finishing spot so Dos Jr. had to re-enter the ring to make up for it but Lizmark eventually decided to try and pin Tiger only he screwed it up and just rolled him up for the three.
Momentos wasn't anything special. Replay of Stuka Jr.'s awesome moonsault plancha... Alan Stone with a wicked tope suicida on Taguchi... La Mascara making Dr. X submit to La Campana... replays of Perrito's double stomp and Negro getting smacked over the head with some object from last week.
Universo 2000, Rey Bucanero and Mascara Magica vs Perro Aguayo Jr., Hector Garza and Damian El Terrible: Really fun match. Los Perros Del Mal used a bunch of neat triple team moves in the first fall including a sick variation of the slingshot-clothesline spot and while Bucanero was hanging in mid-air - Perrito did the double stomp! OUCH! Really heated segment when the comeback began. Third fall had Bucanero do a dive onto Garza/Perrito but he was caught. Magica went to save him with a flip plancha but nailed his own partner and the Perros won the match after ganging up on Universo. Crowd LOVES TO HATE Perrito and company.
Negro Casas/Felino/Heavy Metal vs Blue Demon Jr./Damian 666/Halloween: Not as good as the match the week before but still a solid match surprisingly. Metal is so fucking weird... one second he'll be working like it's 1992 all over again doing moonsaults off the top rope and cool sequences but then he'll turn into 1997 and on Heavy Metal where he blows everything and looks like he doesn't even want to be wrestling. Felino and Damian tried some sort of spot on the floor but blew it and Felino looked to get hurt. They may have been trying a somersault into a sunset flip but Damian slipped and Felino landed awkward. Metal did his no-hands moonsault, sent Demon outside and did a tope suicida. Negro got low blowed and pinned. Lots of challenges afterwards. Damian and Halloween are awesome on the mic.
CMLL TV 4/30/05:
Alan Stone/Ricky Marvin/Safari vs Hooligan/Nitro/El Veneno: Boy am I ever glad I wasn't looking forward to THIS. I don't know why, I just didn't even remember it was listed on the DVD and when I saw the names flash on the screen I still didn't get too excited. Just didn't feel like it would be anything special and boy was I ever right unfortunately. I can understand Veneno and Nitro doing nothing but the other four have no excuse. Lame falls... no really cool spots to speak of although Hooligan did a somersault plancha off the apron onto Alan. Safari might have done three moves the entire match and that's being generous. Horrible match with the most boring finish ever.
Atlantis/Dos Caras Jr./Ultimo Dragon vs Ultimo Guerrero/Rey Bucanero/Tarzan Boy: Tarzan came out to his own music... hmmmm. Rare blown spot by Ultimo Guerrero in the first fall while working with Dragon. I'll blame Dragon even though it was clearly Guerrero's fault.
Rudos did some nice triple teaming to take the first fall. Second fall was short and sweet with an Atlantis tope suicida to Bucanero and Guerrero yanking off Dragon's mask for the DQ. Third fall had a hilarious spot where Dos Jr. and Bucanero were in the ring. Bucanero called Tarzan in to do that thing where the jump around and then give the Guerrero salute. But after they jumped, Bucanero stepped outside onto the ramp and Tarzan was like "WHAT THE FUCK?" *LMAO* Bucanero eventually had to face Dos Jr. and ended up outside receiving a plancha off the top. Atlantis had Tarzan in a submission as Guerrero power bombed Dragon and put his feet on the ropes to steal a win.
Momentos was all Arena Coliseo. MOLOTOV did a really nice tope suicida on Super Comando. But the most important thing about the clip was lesson #1 why you should never stand around at ringside not paying attention to the match as some old dude was talking to someone and when Comando got hit - he flew all the way back and nailed the old guy REALLY HARD causing him to fall down. I'd be shocked if he wasn't really hurt. For some reason the "EL TECNICO" clip and had Polvora owning Valiente with a dropkick as Vaquero had Meteorix in this beautiful submission hold. Ramstein/Comando did a double tree of woe dropkick to Porky Jr.. Can't remember the fourth spot. Last spot was Mistico doing a running corkscrew plancha onto Mephisto!
Negro Casas/~Mistico!/Universo 2000 vs Perro Aguayo Jr./Hector Garza/Damian 666: Mistico's outfit for this match was AWESOME! They had a huge brawl to start the match. Really good stuff all around here. Each fall had a dive. The third fall had a couple by Mistico. He even did the old Volador/Misterioso tag team spot where he got backdropped to the outside but held onto the ropes and lay on Garza's back, the got vaulted backwards into the ring into a headscissors on Perrito! Hard to picture but looked fucking awesome. He did a tope suicida knocking Garza into the crowd. Later he did a plancha off the top rope with huge height onto Garza again. Oh, and at the end of the second fall he did an out of control moonsault off the stage(the lower part, not the part where Crazy did it from) half onto Perrito and half onto the steps. ~MISTICO!
My memory is really foggy but I think Perrito low blowed Universo to win the match. Either way, everyone was still pissed at each other afterwards.
Heavy Metal vs Halloween: I wanted to enjoy this... I really did. Halloween was awesome. The finish to the first fall was just beautiful. The start of the second fall was great with Metal doing a springboard somersault onto Halloween who was on the ramp. But then... Heavy Metal '97 and on kicked in. The guy was a complete mess and I'm being generous. He slipped on the ropes... he forgot to grab Halloween's head to slide him outside... he tripped over his own feet... he was going for a dive and fell off the turnbuckles... it was really that sad. And don't think only a "smart mark" like me notices this kind of stuff b/c after he slipped off the turnbuckle the ENTIRE ARENA turned on him and just boo'ed the fucking shit out of him for the next minute. It was awful. Halloween was working his ass off and the fans at least appreciated that but he had nothing to work with on this night and he's not one of those guys who can make a broomstick look good. Metal won with the Casita but the reaction was more "thank god it's over" rather than "yay, the tecnico won". Someone has to send this to Meltzer so we can read in the WON how Halloween dragged down the #1 worker in Mexico.
But seriously... I am intrigued as the next show has Metal working opposite Los Guerreros and if Ultimo can't make you look good, you don't deserve to be anywhere near a CMLL ring unless it's in training with Salazar and Gladiador.
CMLL TV 5/7/05:
Alan Stone/Chris Stone/Maximo vs Arkangel/El Veneno/La Flecha: WHOOOOOOOOOOA! IT'S LA FLECHA! In a wicked outfit too. Story of the match... at least for me... was how Flecha looked UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE! He did nothing spectacular at all but all the basics were there. He had more charisma than both his partners combined, took awesome bumps and looked like he was the star of the match ready to move up a level instead of being sent down back to segundas. I was really surprised b/c I expected him to get maybe one or two big moves in and that's it since he was a last second replacement for the match but you couldn't tell he was last second at all as he was even dragging Alan Stone through an exchange. First fall had a really neat Alan springboard headscissors on Flecha taking him outside for a Maximo tope suicida. Alan then did a wacky moonsault on Arkangel and I'm shocked he didn't seperate the rudos' shoulder. Second fall had some nice exchanges. Veneno really can't do ANYTHING but talk, can he? He should just become a manager or stick to only working IWRG where you don't need to wrestle extremely well to get over. Rudos won the fall. Flecha used a really cool Skayde submission that I've never gotten the name for. Third fall had Maximo getting elimated quick(boo) and then Veneno getting eliminated right after that(yay). Chris did a running somersault plancha on Arkangel and then ran away from the ring. Must have been a shoot. Alan and Flecha seemed to flub a spot but they recovered nicely and Alan did a snap german suplex to pin the star of the match.
Atlantis/Black Warrior/Satanico vs Black Tiger/Shigeo Okumura/Ryusuke Taguchi: Warrior still has nothing except his tope suicida. And he didn't even use it in this match. Okumura looks to have gotten way better at the lucha style but Taguchi is still a little awkward. This was a totally average match and the type that really has no reason to be on TV. Especially since when the TV intro was taking place, if you watch the background you can see an awesome Marvin/Mascara/Virus vs Azteca/Dr. X/Hooligan match going on. That is the one that should have aired and it would have made sense as well since they were building to Mascara vs Dr. X which made television. Anyways... tecnicos win as usual. Satanico used a really innovative spot to set up his finish though... that surprised me.
Momentos was once again all Arena Coliseo. I wonder if that's a new thing? Messala/Caligula were in the first clip. Nothing special though. Maximo did a really wicked tope suicida on Loco Max who blew the catch badly. Repeat of an Alan Stone spot from the week before. Lizmark with a plancha off the top rope onto Ultimo Guerrero. And finally the ONLY HIGHLIGHT FROM A 40+ MINUTE MISTICO VS MEPHISTO MATCH... Mistico goes for an asai moonsault and get two feet to the face. At least they picked a great spot to show.
Dos Caras Jr./Heavy Metal/Ultimo Dragon vs Ultimo Guerrero/El Averno/El Mephisto: Well it's official... Heavy Metal sucks. Then again, he didn't get in a full exchange with Ultimo the entire match so... I guess the jury is still out. More Ultimo Dragon/Ultimo Guerrero hate in this one. I didn't particularly enjoy this match though. Lucha by the numbers without anything spectacular. Ended with a Dragon asai moonsault on Guerrero, Metal suplex on Mephisto and then Dos Jr. killed Averno with the press slam into a snap german suplex. Averno got stretchered b/c well... that move is fucking killer.
~Mistico!/La Parka/Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Perro Aguayo Jr./Hector Garza/Tarzan Boy: AWESOME ENTRANCES BY EVERYONE! This match just had a special atmosphere about it and delivered big time. Definitely a six man MOTYC for me. Parka is just unreal... always steps up everyone's game when he is in an Arena Mexico ring. The first fall went really long and had a shitload of nearfalls since they were only going to go two falls anyhow. Mistico did a bullet tope suicida taking Perrito into the crowd. Lots of double team stuff with Parka/Wagner. Wagner ended up outside holding Garza and Tarzan so Parka could do a double springboard twisting plancha onto all of them! INSANE DIVE!!! Second fall had more fun stuff from everyone and the crowd was soooooooooooooooooo fucking hot, it was incredible. Mistico/Perrito feud obviously developed. He had his mask torn to shreds after the first fall and went to get a new one. He came back in the second fall but had his comeback stopped. Eventually he did a lead a comeback with some neat moves and I think a dive but my memory may be off. Parka/Wagner did more fun stuff and there was even a dive sequence at the end. Parka with a bullet tope suicida sending Tarzan into the first row. Garza with a moonsault off the second turnbuckle on Parka. Wagner with a running somersault plancha onto everyone. Mistico/Perrito finished things off as Perrito countered the Mistica by flipping Mistico back onto his feet ala Ultimo Guerrero and then punted him for the DQ. The challenges after the match were great. Perrito is an awesome talker and Mistico just speaks in a nice calm voice instead of yelling and screaming like annoying tecnicos tend to do. Fits the gimmick perfectly.
I forgot to mention throughout the entire episode they hyped Gronda's debut. They had the L.O.D. music going while Gronda appeared in his old look then using AMAZING TELEVISA DEPORTES TECHNOLOGY he rips his face off and suddenly has his new mask on. It's actually a good promo piece. Better than the silly mysterious one they had for Metro.
Oh, and the AMAZING TELEVISA DEPORTES TECHONOLOGY comment is b/c if you were sick of lucha replays before... it will get much worse as now they have NEW TECHNOLOGY to make replays better(errr...). So now instead of 3 replays of the same spot from different angles, you get 4 replays with the extra one taking an entire minute so they can highlight exactly where the wrestler is being hurt and why the move is supposed to hurt. So when Perrito low blowed Mistico, I had to sit through a 2 minute explanation of why getting kicked in the balls is painful. I think I'd rather have just been kicked in the balls and devoted the other 1:58 to seeing undercard clips.
CMLL TV 5/14/05:
La Mascara vs Dr. X - Mexican National Welterweight Title: I always thought lucha was great b/c the first two falls meant something and built to the big third fall. These guys shouldn't have even bothered to do 3 falls. It should have been a special attraction 1 fall match but I guess the National Titles all need 2/3 falls. They wrestled the first two falls as if they just wanted to get them over with. Total time: 3 minutes. So predictable also. Anyways... the third fall was decent but nothing you'd remember after the next match. Everyone knew Mascara was winning and they were happy afterwards when he did. He looked so plain in the match though. Didn't ONCE stop to look at the crowd. He needs to talk to Maximo and get some pointers.
Negro Casas/Heavy Metal/Mascara Magica vs Hector Garza/Damian 666/Halloween: Not much of a match from what I remember. Very predictable stuff until the MOST AMAZING FINISH ON THIS SET OF DVD'S SO FAR! Well first... Negro with the silla and Metal with a somersault plancha off the apron. So this leaves Magica and Garza to exchange nearfalls. By this time all the guys have recovered from the dives and are in their respective corners. Garza goes for a sunset flip on come the Casas brothers to break it up with dropkicks...AND GARZA ROLLS BACKWARDS PULLING MAGICA INTO THE LINE OF FIRE! The timing was dead on and the reactions of everyone involved were priceless. F-5 for Metal and Valagueza for Negro dropping him right on his useless brother. Garza up top... MOONSAULT ONTO BOTH BROTHERS! All the rudos pile on top...1...2...3...FUCKING AWESOME! I was marking out so much over that ending. Garza is the man!
Momentos had Dos Jr. doing a step-up enzuigiri on Universo 2000 but I think he screwed up and hurt Universo b/c slo-mo shows him actually kicking Universo in the jaw first and then Universo turned into the kick reacting to his jaw getting smashed. Or he's just a great seller.
My theory of only Coliseo clips ended there as we went to Arena Mexico and Ricky Marvin taking Hooligan to the floor with a spinning headscissors off the apron! OUUUUUUUUUCH! You guys gotta hear the thud when Hooligan hit the ground. Next clip was the spot right afterwards as Dr. X did his reverse power bomb variation and submission move on Mascara. Finally another clip from the same match as Marvin does a bullet tope suicida almost landing upside down and taking out his own partner Virus. Oh, there was another clip but I can't remember what it was... oh yeah... Dos Jr. injuring Averno from the week before.
Dos Caras Jr./Ultimo Dragon/Tiger Mask vs Ultimo Guerrero/Rey Bucanero/Tarzan Boy: Match began with more Ultimo Dragon/Ultimo Guerrero issues but after Dos Jr. saved Dragon from a mask ripping, Guerrero seemed to focus his anger on the tall guy. Great way to transition one feud to the other. See Vince, you don't need a stupid backstage skit where guys actually ANNOUNCE who they hate. Rudos had the fall won but decided to inflict more punishment on Dos Jr. which meant... Ultimo put the ringsteps on the ramp and stood on top of them... his partners then handed Dos Jr. to him and Guerrero SUPER BOMBED HIM ON THE RAMP!!! JR could be overheard yelling "MAH GAWD, MAH GAWD, THAT MAN IS DEAD!" Automatic DQ and Dos Jr.'s head came dangerously close to hitting the steel part seperating the ring and ramp. Second fall had a tecnico comeback. Tiger Mask(who did nothing all match really... what a weird "big return") did a pescado onto Tarzan. Bucanero looked like he was going for a dive on Dragon(the old Bucanero twisting somersault off the top!!!) but instead just lept backwards allowing Dragon to kick him. Very awkward spot. Dos Jr. and Ultimo had a short heated exchange with Dos Jr. going over with his death move. Ultimo survived b/c he can take ANYTHING. Dos Jr. asked for a title match afterwards.
~MISTICO! VS PERRO AGUAYO JR.: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! Just fucking awesome... another MOTYC from Mistico, no doubt about it. The promos before the match were more intense than usual and the crowd definitely gave the match a special feeling as there seemed to be more Mistico supporters than usual to counteract the many rudo fans that had been there the weeks before. Perrito tried to attack Mistico as he made his entrance but Mistico lept off the ringsteps and hit a plancha. He ducked a Perrito clothesline and charged again but got BACKDROPPED ON THE RAMP! THE BEATDOWN WAS ON! Huge heat for EVERYTHING Perrito did. It was an unreal scene. Mistico ducked another Perrito clothesline and took him outside with a frankensteiner... AND NAILED A RUNNING CORKSCREW PLANCHA! Perrito got to his knees quickly though so Mistico kept kicking him and then... MOONSAULT OFF THE SECOND TURNBUCKLE! In the ring he went for a moonsault off the top but Perrito moved! Perrito then slammed him down and nailed the double stomp to win the first fall. Second fall was more Perrito just beating on Mistico while the crowd boo'ed the crap out of him. Mistico made a comeback and sent Perrito onto the ramp. He nailed a 6-1-9 on the ramp knocking Perrito down to the floor behind the ring and then connected with a PLANCHA OVER THE RINGPOST! Back inside Mistico quickly nailed the satellite octopus hold for the second fall win. Third fall started quick with a tope suicida by Mistico driving Perrito into the second row at ringside. Lots and lots of nearfalls after that. My one complaint is that Perrito really has no moveset so a lot of the nearfalls weren't particularly believable. A vertical suplex... a fisherman suplex... a swinging side slam... okay moves for the first fall but don't buy them as finishers. Thankfully he makes up for lack of moves(just like his dad) with his ability to just stare at the crowd and get instant heat which sometimes is better than a nearfall. Mistico got a few hope spots which led to nearfalls as well. Perrito did the silla off the apron after dropkicking Mistico off of it to the floor. Then came a spot I didn't like as Perrito went for a double underhook something and Mistico countered with the armbar just like in the Averno match. I have *never* seen Perrito try a move like that so it was kinda stupid to do that spot. More nearfalls with the best part being every time Mistico got a nearfall, Perrito kicked out and had this smug grin on his face that the crowd HATED. Perrito got headscissored outside, then hit with the 6-1-9 knocking him down for... you guessed it... MISTICO ASAI MOONSAULT INTO PERRITO'S FEET! This was better than the Averno spot b/c Perrito actually kicked his feet out at the last second to knock Mistico backwards into the first row. Some may ask "why does Mistico keep trying that spot?" and I really don't have an answer.
I compare it to Jerry Estrada's Jerry-Bump which was a stupid spot in reality as he just ran at his opponent and got kicked outside but it makes for a great visual and the only excuse you can really use is "he just got caught up in the moment". So I'll go with that.
Back to the match... Perrito unlaced Mistico's mask while they were outside. He rolled Mistico back inside and slammed him down. He signaled for something and went up top... double stomp to Mistico's head?!?!?!?!... NOPE... FLYING SOMERSAULT SENTON MISSES! Mistico covers... only a 2! Mistico then went up top which the crowd BEGGED HIM NOT TO DO(remembering the first fall and all) but he did anyways... MOONSAULT!... PERRITO MOVED!... MISTICO LANDED ON HIS FEET!(remembering the first fall and all;))... MAGISTRAL COUNTERED BY PERRITO INTO ONE HIS OWN...1...2...2.999999999999999 1/2!!!!!!!!! INSANE NEARFALL! Just hearing the crowd's reaction was priceless. It was Atlantis/Villano type heat... okay maybe just a TOUCH less. Perrito got up pissed and went to kick Mistico who moved and Baby Richard got nailed! Time kinda stood still for a second with the crowd all confused. Perrito then ran at Mistico... KICK TO THE GROIN... BLOCKED BY MISTICO!... AND PERRITO YANKS HIS MASK OFF! ROLLS HIM UP!!! (Mistico vs Ultimo Guerrero anyone???) Richard struggles to re-enter...1...2...thr... MISTICO KICKS OUT!!! NUCLEAR POP!!! All the Perrito supporters were 100% sure Mistico's win streak was over and in a split second they all knew Perrito was going to lose while it was the opposite for the Mistico fans who were more into the match than ever! Perrito got up to yell and shove Baby Richard. Mistico fixed his mask and got up as well. Perrito turned around... INTO LA MISTICA!!!!!!!! HUGE POP!!! PERRITO GIVES UP!!! ARENA MEXICO EXPLODES INTO CHEERS!!!
What an unbelievable match and especially finish. The third fall had so much drama. It has to be illegal to watch this and not be marking out. As I said, the only negative for me was Perrito's lack of offense. Other than that, just another incredible match involving Mistico. I'd now rank the matches like this:
1) Mistico vs Averno - 1/30/05 Guadalajara
2) Mistico vs Perro Aguayo Jr. - 5/13/05 Arena Mexico
3) Mistico vs Ultimo Guerrero - 2/25/05 Arena Mexico
4) Mistico vs El Averno - 2/11/05 Arena Mexico
This match just had everything you could want. Mistico even tied the record for most dives in one match by doing 5. Is it bad that I said that, maybe some dude in a tiny indy will read this and proceed to do 6 dives for the heck of it on his next show?
Perrito was really amazing as a heel here. Maybe this is what it was like to watch Perro Sr. back in El Toreo in the late 70's and early 80's? Another thing I just loved about the match was watching Perrito take all sorts of cool bumps... bumps that 10 years ago all the rudos were taking for him when he was a punk skinny kid getting pushed way too early.
As if I even needed to say it... everyone should see this match. If Mistico/Ultimo was too short for you, this definitely won't be and you'll get the same amazing heat and highspots from Mistico.
After the match Hector Garza came out and attacked Mistico along with Perrito. Tons of promos followed and eventually Garza and Perrito had enough, beat the shit out of Mistico once and for all and stole his mask, then ripped it up and tossed it into the crowd. Great angle. Such a great angle that as they went to the back, some fan tried to attack Garza and you can see it in the corner of the screen as the show ends with security rushing over to break it up.
Man... I still can't get over the final 2 minutes of that Mistico/Perrito match. Unreal...
CMLL TV 5/21/05:
Virus/Misterioso II/Tony Rivera vs Arkangel/Guero Loco/Loco Max: Weird but fun match. Fun in that everyone worked hard and it was a good little match. Weird in that... LOCO MAX BIT VIRUS' NIPPLE. Even weirder in that... the tecnico comeback began with VIRUS BITING LOCO MAX'S NIPPLE! That's just fucked up. Rivera/Arkangel did this hilarious exchange in the first fall where they were working medium speed and hitting everything perfectly but both looked like they were thinking "man, we've done this exchange ten thousand times... how boring", hehehe. Misterioso II did a crazy bullet tope suicida on Guero Loco to end the first fall. In the third fall Arkangel did a plancha off the top rope onto Rivera. Misterioso II pinned Guero Loco and then Virus made Loco Max submit to an inverted Gory Special.
Apolo Dantes/Mascara Magica/Universo 2000 vs Damian El Terrible/Halloween/Damian 666: I really can't remember much of this so I'm gonna assume it was bad since I always remember the good stuff.
Momentos had an Universo 2000 tope suicida onto Dos Caras Jr.. Then Leono did a REALLY HIGH springboard moonsault plancha onto poor La Flecha. Ricky Marvin had the next spot doing his patened double springboard corkscrew plancha on Sangre Azteca. The other two spots were from the week before and shockingly none from Mistico/Perrito.
~Mistico!/Negro Casas/Heavy Metal vs Perro Aguayo Jr./Hector Garza/Tarzan Boy: Fun match aside from when Metal was in there. The story of the match was as usual Mistico getting his ass kicked after getting the win in a big singles match the previous week. He led a comeback in the first fall with a running corkscrew plancha onto Tarzan but when his partners were out of the picture, Los Perros Del Mal surronded him and tore his mask to shreds for the DQ. He had to go get a new mask so the Casas Brothers got pounded on to start the second fall until Mistico came back and sent Perrito outside. He then ducked a Garza clothesline and knocked Perrito into the second row with a tope suicida! Negro got pinned but somehow the tecnicos still won in two falls with a Casita by Metal on Garza as Mistico did the Mistica on Tarzan Boy.
Dos Caras Jr. vs Ultimo Guerrero: Guerrero attacked Dos Jr. during his entrance. Not much of a first fall as Dos Jr. quickly won with the armbar. Second fall was even shorter and once again they didn't do much. Ultimo won with the Ultimo Guerrero-plex. Third fall had an awesome tope over the top by Dos Jr. which seemed to be the only real move of the match that got a pop. Finish was never in doubt as Dos Jr. went over with his german suplex. Match clocked in at about 8 minutes which is disgustingly pathetic but at least they had the chance to top it the following week. Ultimo, like a true professional, grabbed the mic afterwards and said Dos Jr. won fair so he could have a title shot. No need to draw up contracts either, Ultimo just gave his word and walked off. Crowd ended up cheering him instead of the tecnico.
CMLL TV 5/28/05:
Brazo De Plata/Felino/Satanico vs Emilio Charles Jr./Mascara Ano 2000/Shigeo Okumura: Wow... I've seen a SHITLOAD of Lucha Libre and this might have been the most boring match EVER. I got so bored I started to just look at people in the crowd and see what they were doing. Unfortunately that turned out to be just as boring since half of them were sleeping. Really... they even got a nice shot of an old lady sleeping in her second row seat. Or at least I hope she was just sleeping.:/ This was absolute torture.
Black Warrior/Lizmark Jr./Metro vs Olimpico/El Averno/El Mephisto: This was almost as bad as the previous match. Black Warrior looked soooooooooooooo bad. If it weren't for his tope of death at the end of the match, I'd actually be saying METRO DID MORE THAN BLACK WARRIOR! Or rather - FABIAN EL FUCKING GITANO DID MORE THAN BLACK FUCKING WARRIOR! Quemonito came to the ring for this match for who knows what reason. He worked two hilarious spots with Averno but none of the tecnicos seemed to actually be his friend so it was awkward. This was Olimpico's return match and he didn't do too much which was good I guess. He's gotta save himself to bump for Gronda the following week. Lizmark Jr. looked the same as always... a big waste of space who'd rather be anywhere but in the ring. Third fall had a Metro tope suicida, a Black tope of death and Olimpico yanking off Lizmark Jr.'s mask three times b/c he couldn't get it on the first two tries. Reason #462 to love the Arena Mexico crowd: They didn't boo Metro right away... they waited till he blew his first spot and THEN they boo'ed the fuck out of him. Bravo. ROH fans can learn from this.
Momentos was pretty fun. Started with a wicked Ultimo Vampiro asai moonsault onto Super Comando and in the same clip Tigre Blanco did a wicked tope suicida onto Ramstein. My next goal is to make sure we see an Ultimo Vampiro match on the next batch of CMLL TV.
I think the next clip was Zumbido doing his usual dive onto Nitro but I may be wrong. The rest of the spots were stuff from the previous week.
Clips of Gronda making an appearence at Arena Mexico were shown while the old Legion Of Dooom music played in the background. Crowd seemed happy to see him but that will probably change when he actually has to wrestle.
Negro Casas/Heavy Metal/~Mistico!/Mascara Magica/Universo 2000 vs Hector Garza/Damian El Terrible/Tarzan Boy/Damian 666/Halloween - Ruleta contra Reloj: Erm... yeah... this was a fucking mess. Couple of problems... COUPLE OF MAJOR PROBLEMS:
1) Nobody announced the rules before the match.
2) The big screen was supposed to countdown how much time was left till the next person/persons made their entrance... but it didn't do that for the first few entrances.
3) Both teams stood near the entrance ways and were being seperated by two referees who have a combined age of over 100. Are we really supposed to believe they can hold ten 160+ pound wrestlers apart?
4) The clock on the TV screen seemed to be just for show as when it reached 0:00, nobody came out and the clock at Arena Mexico just popped up 0:10 on the big screen.
So this led to one big problem... THE CROWD HAD NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT WAS GOING ON. It was really scary. Half of them kept watching the ramp, the other half watched what was going on in the ring but had no idea if the match had actually started or what would happen next.
I *think* the idea was for it to be a Dragon Scramble which means 1 guy from each team comes in every minute. Unfortunately someone got the bright idea to make entrances every THREE minutes so things dragged BIG TIME. Especially after the first four guys had entered. The crowd was dead silent. Things finally picked up when the clock on the big screen got fixed and fans understood what the time meant. Then Metal/Halloween had an awesome entrance spot culminating with a Metal somersault plancha off the ramp. Oh, and before they came out - Magica/Universo did dual tope suicidas onto Tarzan/Terrible. So six guys were fighting around the ring and the crowd still had no clue how the match ends. Magica did a pescado onto Halloween. Universo got pinned. Yep... Universo got pinned. The crowd didn't make a noise at all and the announcers ignored it. Next in were Negro and Damian which led to the most entertaining spot of the match as Damian kicked Negro's ass with the cane and then ran to the ring. Metal tried to intercept him and grab the cane so then... DAMIAN AND HALLOWEEN PLAYED MONKEY IN THE MIDDLE WITH HEAVY METAL!
BEST SPOT EVER! Even better was when Damian tossed the cane back to Halloween and Metal jumped to intercept it... HALLOWEEN SPEARED HIM! You can't beat that for entertainment value! This left Mistico and Garza on the ramp but Garza got distracted by some fans which you'll have to remember. Back inside the ring... Mascara Magica pinned Terrible. I really don't know what that meant b/c the announcers kept saying Terrible was the only guy eliminated meaning Universo was still alive... even though he got pinned as well. So finally the last buzzer/bell/whatever went off for the last pair of guys to come out and Garza went to attack Mistico but couldn't find him. Garza looked around and suddenly Mistico came FLYING off the top stage at Arena Mexico with a plancha!!! Exact same spot from where Crazy did his moonsault. Garza got up quick and slammed Mistico on the ramp before finally heading down to the ring. Even more confusing was the clock began to tick again as if there were another three minutes until the next entrance but nobody was left to enter. One announcer said Terrible was out so he can't interfere... but the other said it doesn't matter b/c it's the most eliminations when the time limit expires or you have to pin the captain. But no captains were designated before the match.:/ SO FUCKING CONFUSING! Mistico finally made it to the ring and kicked ass. There was a really neat spot where Negro jumped to avoid a cane shot and then did the silla off the apron onto Damian and Metal got backdropped on the apron, then came back for the usual headscissors spot but Halloween caught him for the F-5 on the floor only to have Metal counter with a snap DDT!!! AWESOME! This left Mistico, Garza and Tarzan in the ring. Somehow the referees counted the other four guys out of the ring and Magica wasn't allowed to re-enter the ring even though he was never pinned, made to submit, counted out or DQ'ed. Confused? That's the name of the game. It gets better though as Negro interfered(wasn't he counted out?) and pulled Tarzan Boy outside. Mistico did a springboard frankensteiner but got power bombed... Garza tried for another power bomb but Mistico hit a sunset flip and both Negro/Metal jumped into the ring to help him make the cover for the win. I thought they were eliminated? Crowd popped b/c it was the first actual pinfall that was acknowledged as such and the match was over(although I doubt they knew that). Negro put Mistico on his shoulders to celebrate but Damian hit him with the cane and a ten-way brawl broke out with the rudos eventually being chased off. What a fucking mess but four really entertaining spots.
Dos Caras Jr. vs Ultimo Guerrero - CMLL Light Heavyweight Title: Meltzer wrote in the WON that this was a match of the year candidate but someone is so obviously fucking with him that at this point you have to be very careful what you read in the Mexico news section. This was a decent match but couldn't even touch any Mistico singles match from this year nor the Reyes Del Aire match. I know most of you are thinking that is my Mistico bias talking but it really isn't. This was a decent match but it had no heat b/c nobody cares about Dos Jr. yet and it was wayyyyyyyy too short again. The first two falls were La Mascara/Dr. X level short... about 5 minutes combined. The third fall went about 8 minutes and seemed to have one minor edit. I say minor b/c my results have the fall going 9 minutes so it couldn't have been that much edited off. Dos Jr. did his incredible tope over the top rope. They did a couple of really believable nearfalls but only the german suplex by Dos Jr. got a "holy shit this might be over" reaction. Kicking out of the Ultimo Guerrero-plex should be a sin. Dos Jr. went for the Reinera which he NEVER uses and Ultimo rolled him up for the win. I left the match thinking it was okay but these two could do so much better. Don't see why they didn't pull out all the stops this time. Guerrero is AWESOME by the way. You just look at him and think "nobody is going to beat this guy".
CMLL TV 6/4/05:
Awesome TV intro with the sick kid and Wagner together and Wagner letting the sick kid scream his catchphrase into the microphone.
Alan Stone/Chris Stone/El Hijo Del Texano vs Arkangel/Loco Max/Nitro: ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Another worthless Arena Coliseo match. When Alan Stone is the only one looking motivated, you know it's bound to be a bad match. At least the streak remains alive as you can be sure to see a dive in the first fall of every Coliseo opener except that horrible 5/28 mess of a match. If the NJPW people saw this tape, I'm thinking Texano Jr. wouldn't have won the G-1 tourney. Finish was one of those stupid low blows for no reason with no build-up to it. I mean c'mon... there had to be SOMETHING better than this to put on TV.
Mascara Magica/Satanico/Universo 2000 vs Damian El Terrible/Damian 666/Halloween: Another boring match. Lots of bad brawling. I think Damian and Halloween are great in mid-card roles with Halloween being a little better. They tried hard here but Magica is broken down, Satanico is DONE(we can say it for sure this time) and Universo needs Perrito. Nothing to write home about here.
Momentos... the saviour of the show! First clip was OUTSTANDING. First Argos(first Momentos appearence, generic orange and silver outfit - BOO!) did a flip plancha onto Caligula landing in the aisleway. Then Karisma sent Messala outside and TRIED TO BEAT ULTIMO DRAGONCITO'S DISTANCE RECORD!!! He was OH SO CLOSE. He did a flip plancha and flew so far he almost killed the bell-ringing rudo fan, landing on his back two rows deep in the aisleway. I've seen Dragoncito land on his feet three rows back so NO RECORD FOR KARISMA! But lots of points for the effort. Next up Super Comando(or Artillero?) held Sombra De Plata down as La Flecha did his trademark running double jump elbowdrop off the top rope. What's confusing here is my results have Jeque/Polvora as the rudos in the opener vs Tigre Blanco/Sombra De Plata. Next clip was Ricky Marvin kicking Shigeo Okumura in the head while on the apron and then doing a DOUBLE SPRINGBOARD CORKSCREW PLANCHA ONTO SANGRE AZTECA!!! Not his usual running version... he actually stood on the apron and did two springboards before doing the corkscrew. Really neat spot. The rest of the spots were stuff from last week. Great Momentos! This show definitely needed it.
~Mistico!/Negro Casas/Heavy Metal vs Perro Aguayo Jr./Hector Garza/Pierroth: Another boring match. The same storyline as a few weeks before with Mistico getting his mask ripped to shreds after the first fall and needing to leave to get a new one before returning in the second fall to cue a big comeback. It was funny when he came back and Pierroth saw him approaching so he went after him on the ramp with a hilarious expression on his face.
Somewhere in the second fall Mistico drove Perrito into the crowd once again with a tope suicida. Negro got pinned with a double team power bomb but he wasn't the captain - Mistico was. So Metal rolled up Pierroth as Garza was caught with the Mistica and the tecnicos won in two falls. I won't blame this match sucking on Pierroth but isn't it weird how he disapears from TV for a while, then returns and suddenly an entire show stinks?
La Parka/Dr. Wagner Jr./GGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDAAAAAAAAAA XXX vs Ultimo Guerrero/Rey Bucanero/Olimpico: Great entrances. Awesome first two exchanges with Wagner vs Bucanero and Parka vs Guerrero. Then Gronda came in.
*whistles innocently* OK, to be fair his first exchange wasn't too bad. He just looks very awkward with everything he does. Crowd seemed very happy to see him though so they gave him a chance which is more than his partners who refused to even acknowledge his presence as far as I could tell. Parka ended up doing a tope into an armdrag on Guerrero and some poor lady got kicked in the ass as Guerrero took his bump.
Wagner pinned Olimpico and Gronda hit the world's worst ever choke slam on Bucanero. I don't blame Bucanero for not taking a huge bump on it though... he's probably afraid to put his life in the hands of that... thing. Chessman wasn't afraid to take a superplex though! Chessman > Rey Bucanero! Second fall was all GDI. Parka got pinned with the Ultimo Guerrero-plex. I was kinda surprised Gronda was selling so much. If you are going to use him, why not put him over as a monster who can't be hurt? That was AAA's problem at first b/c Gronda looked awesome but then started selling lame slaps from Monster and Psicosis which almost killed him for a while. Third fall had Gronda cue the comeback with a double suplex on Guerrero/Bucanero. Parka did an assisted running somersault plancha on Olimpico and went SPLAT. Wagner did a somersault plancha off the ramp on Bucanero. Guerrero couldn't take Gronda off his feet so he low blowed him. Post-match had Scorpio(the commisioner) posing for a photo with Gronda. That... was... weird...
CMLL TV 6/11/05:
Tony Rivera/Safari/Sagrado vs Arkangel/Dr. X/Sangre Azteca: I dunno what it is about Dr. X that bothers me. He has a kickass look and bumps really well but something about the way he moves around the ring and his lack of killer moves really makes it seem like he doesn't fit in with his partners. He doesn't seem to come up with creative finishes either which I really like to see. First fall had Safari and Azteca doing their usual missed clothesline, slide outside and get tope'd spot. Rudos countered tecnico moves and won the fall. Second fall had the usual comeback and this time the tecnicos won with nice double team moves for a change. Third fall had a rare dive sequence. Sagrado with a tope suicida on Dr. X, Arkangel with a plancha on Sagrado and Tony Rivera with a run-up-the-ropes plancha on Arkangel. Safari went for the Safarina but as he had the move on Sangre, he had his mask yanked off for the DQ. Creative finish even if it was a DQ and very nice Coliseo match unlike the week before.
Reyes Del Aire Torneo Cibernetico - Leono/Misterioso/Ricky Marvin/Tigre Blanco/Virus vs Volador Jr./Alan Stone/Stuka/Mascara/Tigre Metalico (6/11/05 TV): WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! This was the match I was most looking forward to in the new batch of TV(yep, even moreso than any of the Mistico matches) and it did not disapoint at all. They edited out the battle royale to decide teams which is fine by me but that was it for the editing as they aired the actual elimination portion of the match right from the first exchange and made no cuts. Shocking, huh? It gets more shocking! Remember the recent Torneo that aired on Galavision where Felino won? Remember how they'd show a replay of every elimination that occured and while they were doing that we'd miss the next elimination? Well... NOT THIS TIME! Instead they had a little screen in the corner showing the replay with this annoying beeping thing going on but I can live with that since we still got to see the live action in the bigger screen. It's a good thing they did that too b/c this match was NON-STOP ACTION(sorry TNA)! I timed it at 17 minutes and there was no break in the action until the last 2 guys were left. Everyone, and I mean *EVERYONE* looked awesome. Stuka Jr. got the least ring time and he even managed to look like a superstar. Leono was the other newcomer making his TV debut and he looked nervous as hell but didn't blow anything. In fact... nobody blew anything. Such a perfect exhibition of flying. There were a bunch of in-ring exchanges to start the match with too much good stuff to list. I loved the La Mascara/Virus exchange where they teased Mascara's finisher in an awesome way. Ricky Marvin and Alan Stone did some cool flying ending with a Marvin frankensteiner off the apron. Volador Jr. and Tigre Blanco then TORE THE FUCKING PLACE DOWN with a crazy little exchange. Blanco went for a running somersault plancha but Volador Jr. slid into the ring as Blanco just did a headstand on the apron and landed on his feet on the floor only to met by a no-hands somersault plancha by Volador!!! FUCKING AWESOME! Leono then nailed them both with a springboard moonsault! Stuka Jr. followed with a gorgeous moonsault plancha of his own! Misterioso II then nailed a running somersault plancha onto everyone! Tigre Metalico with a tope off the top rope making sick impact on the floor! Virus went for a dive but Volador Jr. ran around to the other side of the ring and yanked him to the floor. Virus ended up doing a flip off the ringpost into an armdrag! As he celebrated, La Mascara dove onto him with a plancha over the ringpost! Marvin and Stone had another nice exchange ending with a cool bump by my former favorite wrestler and then Marvin nailed a wicked springboard corkscrew plancha! The best part about eveything I just described is it wasn't CMLL Japan style where one guy does a dive, everone gets up, the next guy does a dive and everyone stands around watching the next guy setup his dive. They managed to do the dives while still working spots in the ring so the dives came out of nowhere and you had action going on while guys were recovering on the floor. Leono did a wicked slingshot into a frankensteiner but Metalico pinned him with a swinging fisherman suplex. Stuka Jr. did a neat hammerlock DDT, missed a beautiful moonsault but landed on his feet only to have Tigre Blanco submit him. Virus and Volador Jr. did an awesome sequence ending in a stand-off. My memory might be off but Tigre Metalico was the next to go after doing two awesome spots with Misterioso II, he tried a second rope corkscrew bodyscissors but got suplexed and pinned. Fucking insane spot. Alan Stone and Tigre Blanco did a neat exchange ending with Blanco hanging in the ropes while Alan ran down the rampway to kick him in the face. He then did his double springboard moonsault and made Blanco submit. Marvin and Alan then had a nice little exhchange. Next up was Alan/Virus getting eliminated at the same time via a double pin. Every Torneo has one of those.
La Mascara did a wicked version of the Code Red on Misterioso for a 2 count. He almost locked on his finsiher but Misterioso II was too close to the ropes. A split second later he was receiving the Gory Special Driver and bye bye Mascara. They worked really well together which has me excited for the Gran Alternativa. Marvin/Volador ended up having some problems and kept interfereing with each others pinfall attempts. Misterioso thought that was good for him and went up top but stupid him... SPANISH FLY... bye bye Misterioso. Volador Jr. and Marvin then went at it. Marvin took a sick bump outside and was nailed with an asai moonsault. They traded nearfalls. Marvin went for a moonsault but Volador Jr. picked up both knees and then used Shocker's pinfall hold thingie and VOLADOR JR. WINS THE MATCH! Everyone comes out for a huge ovation.
Right up there with Mistico/Ultimo and Mistico/Averno from GDL in terms of my favorite matches of the year. Even if I decided to nitpick the match, there'd be very little to complain about. Everyone was just ON and it was exactly the type of match I wanted to see. Nothing seemed rushed which is rare for a Torneo these days. It wasn't just two guys facing each other with one guy always going out. They had pinfalls mixed with exchanges... which is exactly how it should be! Probably the most surprising thing about the match is nobody used the 6-1-9!
Highly reccomended!!!
Momentos was great for the second week in a row. Molotov made Polvora submit to a cool move. Then Valiente did an awesome moonsault plancha on La Flecha as Ultimo Vampiro did a tope suicida on Reyes Veloz. On those types of dives, the guy doing the dive underneath must be scared to death that one day his partner will slip and land on him or just undershoot his dive and kill him.:/ From Arena Mexico - Jeque held Meteorix in mid-air hanging on the ropes as Ramstein came off the opposite ropes with a flying splash. Nice spot. The other moves were repeats.
Atlantis/Blue Panther/Gronda XXX vs Pierroth/Rey Bucanero/Olimpico: So do you think Panther was happy about Gronda working in Arena Mexico? I'm gonna say... NO. My first clue was Panther not even acknowleding his presence. My second clue was the nasty look Panther gave Gronda as he tagged out to him. My third clue was Panther refusing to touch him when the tecnicos hands were raised after they won their fall. My fourth clue was Panther shaking his head disgustingly at Gronda when he was posing for the crowd as the tecnico comeback was happening. My final clue was when Panther shoved Gronda out of the way since he was standing where Panther was supposed to be to catch Bucanero's third fall dive. Welcome to Blue Panther's world, Gronda.
Most people said Gronda looked better this week than the previous week but I'd disagree. I thought he looked worse but maybe that's just because a lot of his stuff was with Pierroth. Bucanero was awesome in the second fall as he saw Gronda wasn't paying attention on the apron so he smacked him and Gronda just turned around and did NOTHING in return. Way to be a strong tecnico there Gronda! Third fall had an awesome somersault plancha over the turnbuckles by Bucanero on Panther. Olimpico got hiptossed to the outside and took a cool bump, then got nailed by an Atlantis flying dropkick off the apron. Gronda pinned Pierroth to win. Mild pop. Crowd seemed to be boring of Gronda already here.
Negro Casas/Heavy Metal/Mascara Magica/Universo 2000 vs Perro Aguayo Jr./Hector Garza/Damian 666/Halloween: Awful brawl. Really...really...really...awful. Punches and kicks, more punches and kicks and a lame comeback spot. Nothing happened until the finish when Mistico came out to distract the rudos allowing the tecnicos to win in straight falls. Bad match to build to the cage but I heard the cage ruled so all is forgiven. Oh... and Halloween's new finisher is the J-Driller(aka double underhook piledriver). For some reason this is NOT considered a martinente even though everyone keeps selling it as if it is.
I should also mention Atlantis has his own TV skit before every Momentos now. In the one this week, he caught some kids playing in the ring and told them wrestling is not a game. He then did push-ups with them, showed them his muscles and they sang to him. He ended the skit by giving one of the kids the mask he was wearing. Lucha rules!
CMLL TV 6/18/05:
Alan Stone/Ricky Marvin/Tony Rivera vs Arkangel/Hooligan/Loco Max: Hooligan is not going to live to form my dream team of him, Ultimo and Chessman if he keeps taking these sick bumps off the apron to the floor. He took ANOTHER spinning headscissors from Marvin this time and the thud was louder than the one he made at Arena Mexico. WAIT TILL YOUR MAIN EVENT PUSH AND THEN START KILLING YOUR BODY HOOLIGAN!!! By the numbers lucha here for the most part. Marvin/Rivera did neat stereo tope suicidas in the third fall and then Alan hit Hooligan with his really cool roll-up move. I like all these guys so it was a fun match.
Satanico/Felino/Metro vs El Averno/El Mephisto/Sangre Azteca: I can't believe they aired this, especially after I found out the cage match got clipped!!! The first fall didn't even get a chance to start as they clipped right to the rudos winning it with some triple team moves. Second fall was the comeback complete with Metro tope suicida on Sangre Azteca. Third fall had Felino doing the only exchange he seems to do these days, Metro doing some clumsy headscissor spots and Satanico doing a senton off the apron to Mephisto(OMFG HE'S REJUVINATED~!) before the other two rudos pinned the other two tecnicos. The one thing I took from this match is that Azteca, Averno and Mephisto form one fucking awesome team. I vote we have an A, B and C team of Los Guerreros.
A: Guerrero, Bucanero, Olimpico
B: Averno, Mephisto, Azteca.
C: Dr. X, Nitro, Hooligan.
Forget the rest of the guys and keep it simple - 9 Guerreros.
Momentos was alright. First up was a repeat of the dives and finish from last week's Arena Coliseo match. Then Mistico did a SPRINGBOARD PLANCHA INTO THE AISLE on Ultimo Guerrero at Arena Coliseo. Then came the return of ~ZETA! to Momentos as he murdered Super Comando with one of my favorite dives - the running 180 degree twist into a plancha over the top. I need more Zeta. Final new clip was Maximo flirting with Hooligan before nailing him with a reverse tope off the top rope.
La Parka/Lizmark Jr./Gronda XXX vs Ultimo Guerrero/Rey Bucanero/Olimpico: Well the crowd wasn't so nice to Gronda this time. He got boo'ed right from his entrance even though I thought he looked quite good here. Equal to Lizmark Jr.! I KNOW! SHOCKING! I was a little angry that this was lucha by the numbers for the first two falls with nothing really special going on aside from Gronda taking a superbomb and me being scared he was hurt since it is widely known that he has no clue how to bump properly. Third fall made up for the first two falls as they did a bunch of neat spots - Gronda included! The big tease was Gronda was gonna kill Olimpico with the weakest choke slam ever but Guerrero/Bucanero kept making the save. Finally Lizmark Jr. did an asai moonsault onto Bucanero taking him out. Olimpico then did a running somersault plancha on Lizmark Jr. but the horrible camera angle didn't do it justice. THEN THE BEST MOMENT EVER... GRONDA SET UP FOR AN ASAI MOONSAULT! LM F'N AO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Naturally, he got yanked to the floor.
Parka/Guerrero exchanged nearfalls. Gronda did his running double clothesline to Bucanero/Olimpico on the outside. Parka setup for a Code Red but was flipped up and over onto his feet, saw nobody was looking so he tossed his mask to Guerrero for the DQ. Fun third fall but not the crazy match I was expecting.
Cage Match: Everyone got a seperate entrance including La Familia. The entrances were done one at a time from each team so naturally the brawling began in the cage while more entrances were going on. Mistico was the last to come out and he got a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE pop. Perrito attacked him on the ramp and then at ringside before locking the cage door so he wouldn't get in. So what did Mistico do? DUH - He began to climb the cage and then LEPT OFF THE TOP ONTO DAMIAN AND HALLOWEEN! Now THAT is how you make a spectacular entrance.
From there it was mostly brawling as nobody could escape for five minutes. Damian/Halloween tried to cheat and got electricuted at the top of the cage. Mistico did a moonsault onto Halloween. Finally it was time to escape. First out was... PERRITO. His escape was the coolest as Mistico tried to stop him... Garza tried to stop Mistico... Universo tried to stop Garza... so they were all stacked on each others' shoulders and they fell back into the ring which was a great visual. This left Perrito with nobody holding him so he climbed out to HUGE heat. Then... AN EDIT! WHY WOULD YOU EDIT THE MAIN EVENT AND SHOW A POINTLESS SEGUNDA?!?!?!?! Yes, I know if the segunda involved Hooligan I wouldn't be complaining so shut up.
Thankfully no escapes were edited off. Universo was next to go. I forget the exact order but slowly but surely everyone left and it was pretty anti-climactic which surprised me. Garza was the only person to get major heat and he was the fourth last guy in the cage. Mistico/Magica/Damian 666 were the final three inside and the tecnicos had total control but Mistico kept wanting to leave while Magica kept wanting to beat on Damian. Eventually Mistico looked to the crowd for approval and they said he should leave so instead of leaping from the top of the cage like Magica asked, Mistico just climbed out. Great angle. Magica left the cage to go yell at Mistico but was forced back inside for his singles match with Damian. ANOTHER EDIT. Not much drama at all for the final two guys. They showed the sick kid in the crowd cheering for Magica(his idol as he's said in numerous interviews). Keep that in mind. Damian proceeded to use the Muscle Buster on Magica and pin him for the win. We then saw the exact same footage of the sick kid as we saw a minute ago which leads me to believe Magica losing absolutely crushed the kid and it would just be oh so wrong to show him crying his eyes out.
Magica got shaved and everyone went home happy except the poor little kid who is dying.:/ HEY - I DON'T WRITE THE STORYLINES! Only at Arena Neza...
CMLL TV 6/25/05:
Stuka Jr./Tigre Blanco/Tigre Metalico vs Hooligan/Super Comando/El Koreano (6/25/05 TV): Well after getting a taste of Stuka Jr., I needed more and you throw in Super Comando and the greatest worker nobody knows about - Hooligan - and this was an obvious choice for the second match to watch. Stuka Jr./Hooligan started things off and Hooligan was quickly sent out with a nice armdrag. TV edit joined a Blanco/Comando exchange. One thing I noticed right away is how TINY Super Comando is. Tigre Metalico is usually one of the smallest guys when he appears on TV but next to Comando he looked like a middleweight. But to make up for the size thing, Comando was awesome as he had no problems lifting up the bigger tecnicos and tossing them around so they could hit their spots. First fall ended with one of the most spectacular spots I've seen in a while... and yes, you will hear that a lot in this thread with 13 new Mistico matches coming up.
Hooligan went to the floor and Stuka Jr. faked a dive so he ended up on the apron... I assumed he'd do his usual IWRG dive - somersault plancha off the apron - but instead... HE DID A SPACE FLYING TIGER DROP OFF THE APRON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MOTHERFUCKER! I had to rewind three times to make sure I really did see it properly. I LOVE STUKA JR.! Unfortunately for him, his teammates suck(sorry Ryan). Koreano pinned Metalico with a flying splash and Comando used a wicked torture rack variation to make Blanco give up. Second fall had some neat double teaming by the rudos before the inevitable comeback by the tecnicos. Los Tigres did dual slingshot somersault senton planchas onto Koreano and Hooligan while Stuka Jr. pinned Comando with his hammerlock DDT. Third fall started with Hooligan bouncing around for all the tecnicos and WHO DOESN'T ENJOY THAT? Comando ended up taking Blanco's awesome somersault flip into a headscissors. Koreano, who looked pretty bad the entire match, took a nice sallida bump and was nailed by a Stuka Jr. plancha off the top. Poor Hooligan then got his by Comando in the ring and then Los Tigres slammed Comando onto his own partner and a dual submission followed. They only got about 10-12 minutes of TV time but put it to great use. Perfect way to open up TV and major props to CMLL for doing this more and more b/c it makes the project seem more fresh. I can't believe it was only a year ago when CMLL TV consisted of the top two matches from Arena Mexico. The only thing we would have seen from this match was Stuka Jr.'s dive as "El Lance" on Momentos.
~Mistico!/Dr. Wagner Jr./Ultimo Dragon vs Mascara Magica/El Averno/El Mephisto: Magica tore into Mistico right from the start. Rudos won the first fall. Wagner did a somersault plancha off the ramp(awesome looking spot since he flies over some crowd members when he does it) to Mephisto. Ultimo pinned Magica and Mistico made Averno submit to La Mistica. BTW, this was the BEST I've seen him hit the Mistica as while they did the spot, Averno just kept spinning so it looked like he did an extra rotation! Third fall had nice exchanges from each tecnico with all the rudos. The best of course being... well... duh.
First he got pulled to his feet from the mat and did a crazy flip onto his feet... then a 6-1-9 to avoid Mephisto... a frankensteiner to take Averno down... a crazy combination springboard armdrag and headscissor on Averno/Mephisto... thrown into the air by Mephisto catching Averno with a frankensteiner sending him outside... into the ropes... ducks a Mephisto clotheslines... runs up the turnbuckles... CORKSCREW ARMDRAG TO THE OUTSIDE ON AVERNO! And for you picky people - he hit the spot PERFECTLY as Averno didn't have to even MOVE to catch Mistico. Amazing sequence and the crowd was red hot afterwards. Dragon pinned Mephisto with the Dragon Cutter. Then Wagner pinend Magica with the Wagner Driver.
Momentos wasn't too hot. Everything was a repeat except the first spot which had a dual tope suicida from Pequeno Olimpico and flip plancha from Ultimo Dragoncito on Fire and Pierrothito respectively. I am very disapointed that Dragoncito didn't even make it into the first row at Arena Mexico. Karisma: 1, Dragoncito: 0.
Rayo De Jalisco Jr./Dos Caras Jr./Lizmark Jr. vs Pierroth/Hector Garza/Blue Demon Jr.: Oh fucking joy, Rayo back on TV. There were only two cool things about this match. The first was Dos Jr./Lizmark Jr. wearing combo masks. I WANT! Lizmark Jr. still stunk in the ring though. The second was Quemonito's comedy with Garza. Fucking hilarious after the match. Monito beat Garza up while Rayo held him and then to add insult to injury Monito did the Garza pose right in front of him. *LMAO* I hope someone caps that at some point and uses it as their avatar.
La Parka/Bronco/ELEKTRO XXX vs Ultimo Guerrero/Rey Bucanero/Tarzan Boy: Fascinating match.
First, I forget where this rumor began about Los Guerreros purposely making Elektro look bad and I'm gonna squash that right now *again*... they bumped their asses off for him, moreso than any other tecnico except La Parka back when he made his CMLL debut. Hell, Tarzan Boy saved Elektro from a broken neck in the third fall. As I explained to Jose - you could send Chessman and Hooligan to do run-ins and bump around for Elektro, then send a healthy Jerry Estrada to bump for him and finally have 1985 Herodes show up to work a few spots and Elektro would STILL FUCKING BLOW B/C HE IS ELEKTRO! I feel bad for Bronco b/c the crowd didn't seem to be boo'ing him at all... the only hated Elektro. But Bronco only appeared in the ring when Elektro was in there. And in the third fall went Bronco went for a 6-1-9, Elektro was standing in his way so they both collided. The camera cut away but that's what happened and you can hear the crowd boo'ing like mad. On the bright side, Parka and Guerrero looked unreal working together as usual. Parka did a SICK assisted running somersault plancha to Guerrero in the second fall. In the third fall they edited out Bronco's entire exchange with Los Guerreros which sucks b/c the pictures made it seem like he did a few of the old Silver King trademark spots. After the horribly blown tag team spot, Elektro assisted Bronco into a moonsault plancha which they seemed to have trouble setting up. Elektro then did a running somersault plancha which was meant to be a tope over the top but he HAD to tuck at the end or his career would have been over. Fuck career... his LIFE would have been over. Parka/Guerrero then exchanged a bunch of nearfalls as they were both exhausted. Parka got the win with the Code Red to a nice pop. Unlike with Gronda, Scorpio did not pose for a picture with Elektro and from what the camera caught - NOBODY wanted to even shake Elektro's hand after the match. You gotta feel bad for Parka. First they stick him with Gronda and Lizmark Jr. as partners and now Elektro and Bronco. Who did he piss off? Bonus points to Rey Bucanero for realizing the crowd hated the tecnicos and milking it big time in the final fall.
CMLL TV 7/2/05:
Tigre Blanco/Tigre Metalico/Metro vs Mazada/Shigeo Okumura/Ryusuke Taguchi: Mexico vs Japan... yet this ain't no main event feud! How odd. Lucha by the numbers unfortunately. Metro did a tope suicida and the tecnicos took fall numero uno. Rudos took fall numero dos. SHIGEO DID A MOONSAULT!!! How bad must he feel that he's been toiling away on the undercards while Nakamura and whatstheotherguysname come over and are instant main eventers plus get their own angle. Taguchi just appears to be forgotten about. Both Tigres did asai moonsault dives in the third fall but the camera only caught Metalico's. HA RYAN! Okumura put his feet on the ropes to pin Metro.
Lady Apache/Marcela vs Dark Angel/La Amapola: BRACE YOURSELF HENRIK! You may not like the next two things that are going to read but it will be okay... I promise. *ahem* This match wasn't bad at all. Still with me Henrik? *ahem* LA AMAPOLA FUCKING RULES!!! This was only one fall and had no intros plus they edited it so it may have been just an illusion but this was perfectly acceptable wrestling. Someone needs to explain to me why in Mexico, women can wrestle without shreiking and when they do dives, they don't need 5-10 ringside trainees helping to catch them? Yes, those are my main problems with Joshi incase you hadn't caught on. Some really nice back and forth work here. Dark Angel is obviously not the best worker in the world but she TRIES. I give her tons of credit for that b/c she could easily get by as eye candy. And I mean EASILY. VIVA CANADA! Lady Apache is old and not sexy at all. Some of her daughters on the other hand... *ahem* I need me some Baby Apache! But Lady kept this match together which was cool. Marcela seems to be a really solid worker. I enjoyed her stuff from Japan and ENESMA. But she has NO charisma whatsoever. La Amapola... what do I say but HOLY SHIT! Where did SHE come from? I've seen her work CMLL, IWRG and in Japan once I think and she didn't look as good as she did here. She was on FIIIIIIIIIIIRE! La Diabolica 1993 level on fire! She was bumping her ass off including the Psicosis running shoulder bump to the corner ending up on the outside. I know Henrik is fuming right now but trust me - when you see this match you won't be disapointed. Good stuff and the crowd seemed to get into it at the end. I was actually LOOKING FORWARD to the rematch.
Momentos was SCARY AS HELL! First spot blew me away. All you see on the screen is La Flecha grabbing Sombra De Plata who is on the apron and ramming his head into the ringpost. As you are watching that... OUT OF NOWHERE MOLOTOV COMES SAILING OVER THE TOP ROPE IN AN EFFORT TO COMMIT SUICIDE! I thought he just dove over the top rope to nowhere but the replay showed Mogur was there to catch him thankfully. Fucking amazing spot, especially when you see the replay that shows exactly how much height and distance he got. I think the only other new spot was Ultimo Dragoncito pinned Fire with a nice suplex.
Gran Alternativa time and to show you how excited I was about this tournament, the only thing I kept wishing was they would have a flashback to last year's amazingly stacked tournament. Needless to say... they did not.
Bronco/El Hijo Del Texano vs Universo 2000/Dr. X - Round 1: Clip right at the begining. Bronco is like the old tecnico Silver King so I like it. The Arena Mexico crowd DOES NOT. Rudos win quickly.
Dr. Wagner Jr./Misterioso II vs Pierroth/Nitro - Round 1: Pierroth was actually working hard here. Took a tope suicida from Misterioso II after some nice armdrags. I think there was a clip to the finish. Misterioso power bombed Pierroth and Wagner Driver on Nitro for the tecnico win.
Atlantis/La Mascara vs Damian 666/Apocalipsis - Round 1: The only first round match to not get clipped. Some nice back and forth work but nothing you won't forget by the next match. La Mascara *tried* a cool little backflip spot but naturally... blew it. Atlantis pinned Damian while La Mascara hit Apocalipsis with a really ugly Shirunai off the ropes. At least he's trying to differentiate himself from Mistico, that's all I ever asked.
Negro Casas/Maximo vs Ultimo Guerrero/Sangre Azteca - Round 1: This went 10+ minutes live so obviously it was clipped down to 2 minutes on TV. Nice double team move by Guerrero/Azteca before the finish came. Rudos win and fall on each other while celebrating. They sure do make one awesome team.
Dr. Wagner Jr./Misterioso II vs Universo 2000/Dr. X - Semi-Final #1: Quick and painless. Fun to see Wagner have a short exchange with Dr. X. WHO IS THE BETTER DOCTOR? Tonight it was Wagner. Misterioso II goes over Universo.
Atlantis/La Mascara vs Ultimo Guerrero/Sangre Azteca - Semi-Final #2:: Rudos attack right from the start. Tecnicos fight back and send the rudos outside for double tope suicidas. As quickly as they re-enter the match is over with an Atlantida and Campana to Azteca and Guerrero respectively. What are the odds Sangre is in this same tournament again next year and losing to whoever the flavor of the month is?
Atlantis/La Mascara vs Dr. Wagner Jr./Misterioso II - Finals: This was a special match? That's what a lot of people on the Box y Lucha forum said but they must have been smoking some really good stuff b/c this was nothing at all. Some mask ripping between the four guys and right away they went to the finish. GUESS WHAT SUBMISSIONS WERE USED? Bad ending to an awful tournament.
La Parka/Lizmark Jr./~Mistico! vs Hector Garza/Tarzan Boy/Rey Bucanero: BACKSTREET'S BACK, ALRIGHT! All three rudos came out to Garza's music and then the Backstreet Boys song kicked in as they took off their pants. Really. It was quite awesome.
Huge heat of course. All three tecnicos made great entrances. Rudos won the first fall in less than a minute. Tecnicos fought back in the second fall. Mistico/Parka hit dual cornerpost tope suicidas on Tarzan and Bucanero. Lizmark Jr. pinned Garza with his spinning side slam thingie. In the third fall I think Lizmark Jr. actually fell asleep on the apron at one point.
Mistico went nuts on the rudos doing a bunch of spots, the highlight of which was missing a 6-1-9 on Bucanero who escaped to the ramp for survival but as he came back to the ring, Mistico did the 6-1-9 to his stomach and then did a SPRINGBOARD CORKSCREW ARMDRAG ON THE RAMP!!! WOOHOO!!! That made up for Mistico kinda blowing his armdrag on Tarzan a few seconds beforehand.
Parka did some neat spots with the rudos. He got them all on the floor and did a pescado but they all caught him and tossed him into the air only for him to counter by armdragging Tarzan on the floor!!! NICE! Garza was sent outside by Lizmark Jr. who went up top to dive but Bucanero attacked him. Mistico made the save by dropkicking Bucanero outside. Lizmark Jr. then did a plancha off the top and SOMEHOW managed to hurt himself even though Garza made a perfect catch. Meanwhile Mistico did a running somesault plancha into a frankensteiner on the floor! Awesome spot but Mistico lost his grip on the ropes as went over which made the spot look a little sloppy.:/ Parka/Tarzan were left and Tarzan went over with a power bomb and feet on the ropes/being held by Garza.
CMLL TV 7/16/05:
~Mistico!/Blue Panther vs El Averno/El Mephisto: This is joined in progress at the second fall. Announcers said the first fall was very quick and all rudos so I don't think we missed much. Very quick fall with the tecnicos fighting back almost instantly. Panther used a submission on Averno and Mistico went for a move on Mephisto but he ran into the referee which threw his timing off so he just did a sloppy huarcanrana on Mephisto for the fall. Third fall graphic went up... and TV edited right to the end. It must have been a huge edit too b/c the crowd was really loud and all the guys were sweating big time unlike at the end of the second fall. No nothing...Panther with a roll-up and Mistico with the Mistica on Averno(who takes that move AWESOME) for the win. Hate to say it but waste of TV time.
Lady Apache/Marcela vs Dark Angel/La Amapola: Speaking of waste of TV time... happy Henrik?
Well don't be too happy... I was joking.
Another good match with these four ladies. La Amapola once again was the shining star. She did this awesome spot where Lady Apache was hanging on the ropes and Amapola came off the top with a stiff dropkick! Both tecnicos ended up outside for a DARK ANGEL OVERSHOT TOPE SUICIDA AND AMAPOLA FLIP PLANCHA! GREAT IMPACT! Color me impressed. Some nice nearfalls and a good pace to the match. Edit takes us to the finishing spots. Dark Angel gets eliminated first. Lady Apache is next to go surprisingly. Marcela and Amapola finish things off. Amapola counters a Marcela backwards springboard spinning frankensteiner into a Liger Bomb and then puts her feet on the ropes as Dark Angel holds them there for the win. I was dreading these womens matches but they turned out to be quite alright so far. And the best part is I just wrote about two Dark Angel matches WITHOUT making an Ernesto O'Campo joke. I RULE!
Momentos was all new to me since the 7/8 show isn't available through Fredo. Leono opens things up with a gorgeous springboard moonsault onto La Flecha as Stuka Jr. pins Ramstein with his hammerlock DDT. Maximo german suplex on Taguchi. Bronco running somersault plancha on Universo. Poor Silver King actually has to work hard now.
Stiff superkick/german suplex combo by Parka/Dos Jr. on Tarzan. Double vertical suplex by Wagner/Misterioso to Atlantis on the ramp. I WANT UNDERCARD COLISEO CLIPS!!!
Now the never ending Leyenda Azul tournament...
First up was a battle royale but they cut away to show the brackets instead. No intros for any of the matches and all were very short.
Round 1...
Heavy Metal vs Rey Bucanero: Fast start to the tournament with three dives in less than a minute. Running somersault plancha by Metal. Pescado by Metal into a dropkick from Bucanero! I LIKE THAT! Metal recovers and does a somersault plancha off the top rope to the floor. And then the usual Heavy Metal kicks in as he blows two spots in a row and the crowd turns on him big time. Bucanero wins and that's a good thing or Arena Mexico would have rioted.
Dos Caras Jr. vs Tarzan Boy: Slingshot corkscrew plancha by the big guy. Tarzan has weak offense. German suplex from Dos Jr. allows him to advance.
Bronco vs Ultimo Guerrero: Probably the best first round match. Nice moves by Bronco to start off. Bronco with a baseball slide into a DDT on Guerrero. Guerrero counters a submission into a small package for the win. Yep, the matches are really this short.
Rayo De Jalisco Jr. vs Canek: CLIPPED! YAY!!! Mask ripping. Canek plancha off the top gets a two. Rayo with two legdrops, the second of which gets a three count.
Blue Demon Jr. vs Pierroth: Demon Jr. does a tope to Pierroth who was facing the crowd. Pierroth wins with his old submission finisher. I popped for that.
Brazo De Plata vs Hector Garza: Princesa Sujei came out before the match. That was weird. Why is she so special that she gets a special entrance and hype for her debut? Porky is fucking gigantic and looks blows up after the first spot. They have a new thing where every time Porky falls, the camera shakes. They should do like Pancho Tequila in Monterrey and have everyone in the crowd jump up so it appears the entire building shook.
Garza wins with a moonsault. Porky fans die a little on the inside.
Mascara Sagrada vs Black Warrior: Sagrada did a tope suicida at an awkward angle. Warrior took some nice bumps but otherwised showed NOTHING. He won with a funky submission hold.
Lizmark Jr. vs Olimpico: Shortest first round match. Olimpico gets two nearfalls, Lizmark Jr. catches him in his spinny slam thingie and it's over. Lizmark Jr. can go back to sleep till his next match.
Dos Caras Jr. vs Rey Bucanero: I expected more from this.
Bucanero did a running somersault plancha. Dos Jr. teased his gorilla press into a german suplex but Bucanero fought it off and countered with a nice DDT. Dos Jr. quickly won with the german after he kicked out of the DDT. Classics these are not. Dos Jr. takes out his second Guerrero.
Rayo De Jalisco Jr. vs Ultimo Guerrero: Mask ripping in this one as well. Ultimo winds up outside and on the bad end of a fat ass Jalisco plancha off the top. Rayo misses his tope en reversa and Ultimo covers for a surprise three. Crowd exploded with chants of GUERRERO, GUERRERO, GUERRERO!
Hector Garza vs Pierroth: Fantastic. 8 seconds long. Garza with a power bomb and feet on the ropes.
Lizmark Jr. vs Black Warrior: Sleepy lazy dude #1 meet not so sleepy but equally lazy dude #2. Now... wrestle. My god this was boring. I really do feel bad for New Japan fans. They could have had Ultimo Guerrero, Rey Bucanero or Bronco and they get... ugh... Lizmark Jr. over Warrior with his stupid finisher. Hey, after he won he jumped up and showed some emotion! WHAT THE FUCK???
Dos Caras Jr. vs Ultimo Guerrero: Lots of nearfalls and near submissions. By lots I only mean 4 or 5 but in this type of tournament that is a lot. Crowd was exhausted but went nuts when Guerrero crotched Dos Jr. up top and hit the Ultimo Guerrero-plex to move on. I'd have been shocked as well as I predicted Dos Caras Jr. winning the tournament.
Lizmark Jr. vs Hector Garza: Tope suicida by Lizmark Jr.! HE'S ALIVE! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED??? Pierroth comes out to distract Garza but then walks off. Garza gets a nearfall with his feet on the ropes. Pierroth comes back. La Nazi costs Garza the match. Princesa Sujei runs out to beat up La Nazi. Lizmark Jr. stands there dumbfounded before walking off like yesterday's news. O...K...
Lizmark Jr. vs Ultimo Guerrero: Moonsault off the top from Lizmark right away. No obvious edits so this was just a really short match. I'm sure the crowd was sick of this tournament by now... I definitely was. Everyone wanted Guerrero to win, even the tecnico section. So naturally Lizmark Jr. goes over and the crowd erupts into boo's. Blue Demon Jr. comes out to make a nice speech about his dad and he congratulates Lizmark Jr. while the crowd chants 'GUERRERO, GUERRERO, GUERRERO!' I demand the decision be reversed!
Atlantis vs Dr. Wagner Jr.: No intros. Why run another singles match after 15 of them? First two falls went about 2/3 minutes combined. Third fall went 4 minutes... maybe less. Atlantida takes it. Not as heated as I expected.
Far too many short singles matches with no build or time to even get into the action. This episode was torture except for the ladies. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME?
CMLL TV 7/23/05:
Tony Rivera/El Hijo Del Texano/ZAYCO!!! vs Arkangel/Dr. X/Apocalipsis: OMG ZAYCO! I can't believe a guy who has yet to be on 5 CMLL major shows(at the time) got on TV... fucking unreal. I know I know, he was a last minute substitution. I can't remember for who though but odds are either Alan Stone or Pantera. Anyone wanna clue me in? He looked okay in the first fall doing an exchange with Dr. X. Ended up doing the usual first fall Coliseo tercera dive with a running tope over the top rope. Texano Jr. really didn't look good in this match. Rivera was way better even with that usual exchange with Arkangel which they look really bored doing. How in the hell did Texano Jr. survive a NJPW tour when he doesn't even look good enough to be in a Coliseo tercera? Rudos took fall two. Apocalipsis continues to show nothing. Stupid little fat man. Arkangel did a plancha on Texano Jr. in the third fall and then Rivera tope suicida'd both of them. Apocalipsis threw Rivera back inside and pinned him while Dr. X made Zayco give up. Uneventful match.
Negro Casas/Heavy Metal/Dos Caras Jr. vs Tarzan Boy/El Averno/El Mephisto: Tarzan reminds me a lot of my best friend from grade school. Just thought I'd mention that. As you can tell if that's what I was thinking about this musta been one exciting match! Best moment was in the second fall when Tarzan slipped trying a springboard and the arena let him know about it big time. But it's Tarzan so we still love him.
People forget he's still pretty green and was pushed early in his career. Plus springboards are hard to do! Third fall had an awesome Dos Jr. tope over the top onto Tarzan. Nice finishing sequence with the rudos coming out on top. I think the ending made up for the boring match.
Momentos started with another Dos Jr. tope over the top onto Olimpico and Ultimo I think. I couldn't exactly tell b/c this episode was quite dark.:/ Maybe it was just my TV. Next two clips were the finish of the first and third fall from the Mistico/Panther vs Averno/Mephisto match. Fourth clip could have been the show stealer! But the guy editing fucked up and played the spot in slo-mo TWICE instead of just once.
Fire was on the floor and Bam Bam took off from the ramp -> lept onto one of the bars -> then springboarded over the fans with a somersault plancha!!! YEAH!!! I need more Bam Bam. Final clip was Marcela's silla onto Amapola which was edited off the match last week.
Apolo Dantes/Mascara Magica/Universo 2000 vs Pierroth/Hector Garza/Perro Aguayo Jr.: All story, no wrestling. Garza/Perrito got frustrated with Pierroth's antics and refused to do teamwork with him. Pierroth won the match for them all by himself but they didn't care and aruged all the way to the back.
Atlantis vs Dr. Wagner Jr. - NWA Light Heavyweight Title: BOO! BOO! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Better get used to that sound b/c that's all you could hear in this match. The fans didn't give Atlantis a chance! They were big time pissed when he won. Wagner took some nice bumps and to be fair, he didn't steal the spotlight from Atlantis and play up the fact the crowd was cheering him. In fact he tried to play a rudo many times including yelling at Alushe but you can't deny the fans what they want I guess. Oh, best part was before the match when Atlantis grabbed the microphone and to stop the boo's he said "I DEDICATE THIS MATCH TO ALL THE KIDS IN MEXICO!" to which the 5 year old fans in the crowd went... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *LMAO* Atlantis might have had a nervous breakdown had the match not began right after he said that.
Bad show.
CMLL TV 7/30/05:
Princesa Sujei/Dark Angel vs La Amapola/La Nazi: So check it out... during the intros for Amapola the ring announcer said "she's more dangerous than cocaine". Then Dark Angel came out. I'm not sure if it was b/c it was her turn to come out or she heard the word 'cocaine' and was curious.:/ YEP - THAT WAS JUST FOR YOU COLIN! There was one fan off camera that just kept shreiking his head off as Dark Angel came down the steps. Who the fuck let Ernesto into Arena Mexico? THAT WAS FOR YOU JOSE! Rudos...errr...rudas attacked right from the whistle. All womens matches are one fall by the way. This is a good thing. This match wasn't as good as the other two I wrote about yesterday. Still a pretty fun match though. Sujei is pretty good. Amapola is still freakin' amazing. La Nazi is big and can catch but she's definitely the Martha Villalobos of this group of women. Dark Angel still tries hard but looks awkward doing stuff. LOVE THE BRIDGE THOUGH! LOVE IT!
Tecnicos...errr....tecnicas did nice dives. Dark Angel with a frankensteiner off the apron, Sujei with a silla and then Dark Angel back up top for a plancha to the floor! She overshot again! Maybe she's nearsighted? La Nazi was the first to be eliminated. Both tecnicas tried to pin Amapola but you can't pin the best female worker in the Mexico no matter what!!! She fought back and refused to quit, eventually pinning Sujei I think. La Nazi eventually interfered for the DQ. Crowd wasn't into this as much as I was led to believe by Ernesto in his review. HOW COULD YOU DECEIVE ME ERNESTO? I BELIEVED YOU AND YOUR UNBIASED REVIEW! Who can I believe now??? WHO??? I need a hug from Amapola.
So how long before Ayako jumps on the bandwagon and comes to work in CMLL, take the women's title and disapears - presumably eating the title in the process of disapearing. You heard me Colin.
Next up was a battle royale to decide teams for the G-1 Climax Group A Torneo. Uneventful would be an understatement.
Arkangel/La Mascara/Maximo/Tigre Blanco vs Apocalipsis/Sangre Azteca/Tony Rivera/Virus: Well this is quite a what the fuck of midcarders. I'll take it though, I love randomness. According to the announcers, Tigre Metalico was supposed to be in this match but due to his injury(which they discussed non-stop during the opening match) he was replaced by Arkangel. Well that's just not cool at all says me! This was a pretty good match but obviously not nearly as cool as the Reyes Del Aire Torneo. You know you're watching a Torneo that will get some time when Koreano ISN'T eliminated in the first four minutes during his first exchange! I was shocked as they didn't rush to the eliminations at all. Everyone got to do a nice short exchange followed by a longer one. Virus was wearing cool shoot-style gloves which make him look awesome. This time Rivera and Arkangel got to work that boring spot they do at Arena Mexico so I guess it qualifies as new? Maximo was the most over guy. La Mascara wasn't even close to being the 6th most over guy and when Apocalipsis is in the do the math. First great exchange was Virus/Tigre Blanco. Maximo/Azteca had a nice one as well. First out was Apocalipsis(YOU'RE FUCKING KIDDING ME!) courtesy of a Falcon Arrow from Tigre Blanco. Blanco sent Virus outside and went for his somersault into a headscissors over the top... Virus moved... AND BLANCO LANDED ON HIS FEET! I LOVE IT! Virus then nailed him with a spinning headscissors on the outside. Arkangel sent Tony outside and nailed a plancha. Azteca backdropped Maximo onto the apron and then got sent outside by Mascara who went for a dive but Azteca ran around the ringpost to avoid it only for Maximo to crush him with a diving plancha off the ramp! BESO! Eliminations started happening but they weren't one after the other so I approved. The coolest was Tony Rivera going for a double springboard sunset flip only to have Blanco armdrag him as he went for the sunset flip part. Never seen that. Maximo then hit a plancha for the pinfall. Azteca hit a nasty dropkick to the butt on Mascara who took an equally nasty spill to the floor afterwards as he was hanging in the ropes to take the move. La Mascara pinning Virus was criminal. Azteca eliminated Blanco with his neat headscissors off the top. It came down to Mascara and Azteca and the wrong man went over. But the crowd was 90% Azteca anyhow. I still love how back in 2001/2002 when I was a huuuuuuuuuge Sangre Azteca fan, some nice gentleman who claimed to know everything pointed out Sangre will never be anything b/c he's too small and has no charisma. Now(at the same size by the way) he is a National champ and regularly gets to work high profile matches at Arena Coliseo and in the smaller arenas. Wonder what happened to that nice gentleman... oh right.
MOMENTOS... has been cancelled.
Instead they showed a bunch of clips of CRAZY UNDERCARDERS DOING CRAZY THINGS TO PEOPLE WHO DON'T DESERVE TO BE HURT! First up was 'Lo Chusco' which roughly translated means 'The Slip'. You are guaranteed to see an awesome clip when that pops up on the screen. Past highlights include Satanico falls on his ass making his way down the aisle, Chris Stone doing the same and Mascara Ano 2000... you guessed it.
This time there would be no tripping in the aisleway, only... VALIENTE WITH AN ASAI MOONSAULT! Where's the slip you ask? Well, he sorta overshot Jeque and landed on top of a security guard who had his back to the ring and he also managed to elbow the doctor at ringside knocking him over. So to sum up... Valiente went for an asai moonsault on Jeque... missed him... but took out two other people. I think that's pretty awesome.
Next clip was from the SAME MATCH and had EQUALLY DISASTROUS CONSEQUENCES! Molotov hiptossed Ramstein outside and then tried some sort of crazy slingshot where he reverses positions and lands on the second turnbuckle outside for a moonsault... but he slipped off. He decided to cover by doing a normal moonsault off the apron but he didn't get completely over and ended up kicking Ramstein in the face while landing awkward on his wrist. DOH! That's four major injuries in two clips. WHAT ELSE COULD GO WRONG??? Thankfully nothing. Replay of Arkangel's plancha from last week. Mistico with La Mistica on Averno from their singles Arena Coliseo match. Another clip from the same match... you guessed it... Mistico asai moonsault into two feet to the face from Averno! I liked this Momentos.
Let's see if I can write less about the following match than I did last week...
Apolo Dantes/Mascara Magica/Universo 2000 vs Pierroth/Hector Garza/Perro Aguayo Jr.: DON'T CARE! DON'T CARE! DON'T CARE! Pierroth won't help Garza/Perro. They won't help him. They beat up Nazi. They beat up Pierroth. Everyone beats up Pierroth. Crowd loves it. Makes for a repetitive 20 minutes.
I was close.
Atlantis/Blue Panther/Mistico vs Ultimo Guerrero/Rey Bucanero/Olimpico: HOLLLLLLLLLLLLLY SHIT! Leave it to the last match of the new DVD's to become an instant **** match and a trios MOTYC! Everyone will be in love with this match when it airs on Galavision... in January 2006. I say you just go buy it from Fredo b/c it's so worth it! Mistico was confronted by Ultimo during his entrance but Ultimo backed off. Mistico is like fuck that and springboard dropkicks Ultimo outside! The fight is ON! Tons of heat(including boo'ing of Atlantis)! Panther and Ultimo go at it... Ultimo tries a sunset flip but Panther rolls through... for a dropkick? NOPE! MISTICO OFF THE TOP WITH A CROSSBODY ON ULTIMO AS HE SITS THERE! I love innovation. Mistico then does an awesome headscissors move and Ultimo ends up outside for a second rope springboard into a frankensteiner on the floor! AWWWWWWWWESOME! Atlantis and Bucanero go at it... Bucanero gets flipped outside... tope suicida by Atlantis! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I LOVE IT! Panther rolls up Guerrero... La Mistica for Olimpico! TECS WIN! Second fall starts with an awesome Panther/Ultimo exchange where... get this... Panther got to play Santo and Ultimo got to play Panther! Only Schneider will get that one. I loved it. Mistico and Olimpico then enter... Mistico using a Super Quebrada to do so! They do some spots culminating in a 6-1-9 and springboard dropkick sending Olimpico outside. Mistico into the ropes... Olimpico runs backwards to avoid a dive but Mistico says fuck that again... SPRINGBOARD ARMDRAG TO THE OUTSIDE!!! That spot looked so beautiful and you had the announcer screaming "MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISTICO!" which made it ten times better. Mistico got the on ropes to celebrate and BUCANERO SHOVED HIM TO THE FLOOR! So to answer my own question - yes, they had been doing that shove spot for weeks before it actually hurt Mistico b/c he didn't have his proper footing. Atlantis then got tackled by Bucanero and the crowd loved it! Rudos took over. Guerrero pressed Mistico and dropped him onto two rows of chairs! Bucanero pinned Atlantis(the captain) clean but the fall wasn't over as everyone just kept brawling! SO MUCH HATE! SUCH A LOUD CROWD! And then... BUCANERO YANKED OFF QUEMONITO'S MASK!!! In all the yeas I've seen Alushe/Quemonito, I've never seen anyone yank his mask off! This was OUT OF CONTROL! Mistico/Ultimo emerged from the audience with Mistico bleeding through his mask. I guess Ultimo wanted to get a first-hand glimpse of what he did b/c with ONE HAND he snapped Mistico over by the mask and then tore a huge chunk out of it! WHAT A RUDO! Crowd was HATING him at this point. Bucanero meanwhile began to tear apart Atlantis' mask. Crowd was LOVING him! Panther/Olimpico did some mask ripping of their own. Ultimo put Mistico up top and yanked another chunk out of his mask while he hung in the tree of woe! FINALLY they showed replays so the fall was over. Rudos tried to set up for a triple team move to start the third fall but it was not to be as the tecnico fought back right away. Atlantis chased Bucanero up the ramp to a chorus of boo's. I'm pretty sure the Guerreros were told not to acknowledge the boo's or else Bucanero could have had a ton of fun like with Gronda. In the ring Panther held Ultimo so Mistico could get in a few shots. Mistico looked awesome with the red blood in his blonde hair. He ripped Ultimo's mask a bit as revenge. Or maybe that was Panther, I forget. No, it was Mistico b/c Panther ripped Olimpico's mask. Things... settled down? Not really... but Atlantis/Olimpico ended up in the ring... not for long. Olimpico got dumped outside and Atlantis assisted Panther into a pescado over the top! Atlantis then tackled Bucanero! BAD IDEA! CROWD *HATED* HIM FOR THAT! He slid Bucanero to the floor chest first and went for a dive but Ultimo knocked him outside with an elbow. Mistico springboarded inside... MISTICO VS ULTIMO TO FINISH THINGS UP! Crowd was SCREAMING 'Mistico, Mistico, Mistico'. He hit the ropes... La Mistica!!! ...countered by Ultimo so Mistico lands on his feet... ducks a clothesline... somersault into a Code Red!!!... COUNTERED INTO AN INVERTED POWER BOMB BY ULTIMO! Only a 2! Then an amazing spot... Ultimo locked hands with Mistico and lifted him up(think Rey/Psicosis)... BUT MISTICO TURNED IT INTO A CODE RED! Only a 2!!! You can't even imagine how loud the crowd was at this point. Ultimo whipped Mistico into the turnbuckles and charged... but if you know your Lucha Libre, you know Ultimo took his knee-bump to the outside behind the ringpost and ended up receiving a MISTICO 9 FOOT HIGH PLANCHA!!! Atlantis/Bucanero re-entered... ATLANTIDA!!! Olimpico breaks it up quickly! But Panther takes Olimpico down right into a submission hold! Atlantis huracanrana on Bucanero... WHO ROLLS THROUGH! 1...2...3!!! LOS RUDOS, LOS RUDOS, LOS RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDOS... Y EL ATLANTE! Bucanero wants a title shot!
What a FUCKING AWESOME ending to the new batch of Lucha TV. You all want that main event so badly! It's a crying shame they didn't rematch the same six the following week or follow-up on the story at all b/c Atlantis is a baby.