CMLL Japan - August 1997
This tour was interesting because unlike the first tour which was trying to replicate an authentic CMLL show in Japan, the promoters clearly saw the reaction of the fans to the younger flying wrestlers and thus only decided to fly over exactly that - younger guys who could fly. Shocker, Mr. Niebla, Felino, Super Astro, Mr. Aguila, Arkangel, Mano Negra Jr., Ultraman Jr. were among the crew who came over for the one week tour and in front of large crowds (had to turn away fans for the Korakuen Hall show) dazzled with their innovation and death-defying dives. The star of the tour was Mr. Aguila who had begun to make a name for himself in CMLL right before leaving for the tour and had already set up a mask match with Halcon Negro. However after the tour he decided to jump to Promo Azteca and left along with Black Warrior and Super Astro. (A decision all three would regret) Aguila blew everyone away on the first night with his psychotic dives to the point the crowd chanted 'Aguila, Aguila, Aguila' throughout his matches. The other (not so) memorable thing from this tour was that it was the last appearence for Arkangel's brother Torbellino as he got seriously injured on the opening night of the tour. Some reports suggested he was paralyzed catching a dive but that was never verified and seems untrue considering he did eventually come back to get a payoff for dropping his mask but that was 8 years later and he was clearly in a lot of pain. - Music video covering the two shows from the tour that aired on Samurai TV
Enjoy! - Music video covering the two shows from the tour that aired on Samurai TV
Labels: cmll, japan, lucha libre, mexico, wrestling