Saturday, May 29, 2010

AAA 10/17 & 10/19/09

AAA 10/17/09 in Cuernavaca:

El Elegido, La Parka Jr., Pimpinela Escarlata vs. Cuervo, Escoria, Ozz: Pretty brutal. Entire match was building to the post-match stuff where La Secta broke up and we all know that went absolutely nowhere. This kind of stuff would never happen on Konnan's watch! Mainly because Konnan has no idea who Cuervo, Escoria and Ozz are. Soon the fans will be much like Konnan.

Joe Lider & Nicho el Millionario vs. Laredo Kid & Súper Fly: Always sucks when the best match on the show can also be summed up as a pretty bad match. Rudos tried hard but Lider is much much MUCH better in a trios match where he just gets in to do his stuff and then takes bumps. He's not really good in these tags where he just goes move crazy. Finish had him give Laredo Kid a death valley driver off the turnbuckles to the floor. Remember when you could just call it a 'DVD'? I originally typed it up as "Joe Lider gave Laredo Kid a DVD to the floor through a table" but now that really doesn't sound right. I'm old.

Cinthia Moreno, Fabi Apache, Mari Apache vs. Goddess, Jennifer Blake, Rain: I don't have the time for these bitches. Let me clarify... I like Cynthia Moreno. I like Fabi and Mari Apache. If there is good women's wrestling - I will watch. I have no problems reviewing matches with Marcela, Amapola, Dark Angel, etc. I just have no time for American women who are awful and Goddess is perhaps the worst human being I've ever come across. So if you're looking for thoughts on these women's matches it's best to look elsewhere. There are tons of weird dudes with a fetish for this garbage that you can easily find via google.

Marco Corleone vs. Chessman: Was looking forward to this but it ended up being really short and just a setup for some sort of angle I ended up fast forwarding through. The leapfrog spot into a superkick was neat though.

Monster Clown, Murder Clown, Psycho Clown vs. Dr. Wagner Jr., Electroshock, Silver King: Ugh. Just fucking UGH! AAA has totally killed the Clowns by this point and now when they lose it won't mean anything. I stand my prediction that Konnan will be the one to get the first pinfall on them.

AAA 10/19/09 in Leon:

Wow. Never seen such a small crowd for an AAA taping in Leon.

Joe Lider & Nicho el Millionario vs. Decnnis & Extreme Tiger: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay MOVEZ! All four guys were just killing themselves with the most random shit you could think of. There was an added no-DQ stipulation although I still can't tell the difference between a regular AAA match and a no-DQ AAA match. Guapito got involved and Joe Lider was about to kill him until Extreme Tiger snuck up behind Lider... and suplexed him off the top which meant Guapito DID get murdered. Do these guys not even think about the angle before they decide which moves they need to check off their list? Don't answer that. Hijo De Tirantes was back to being a rudo ref here so the ending sucked. If Konnan wants AAA to be taken more seriously perhaps that should be the first thing to go.

Mascarita Divina, Mini Charly Manson, Octagoncito vs. Mini Abismo Negro, Mini Histeria, Mini Psicosis: Easily the best these guys have done all year but I have to admit the rewatch was not as fun as the original viewing. Excellent match but not the blowaway match I remember thinking it was the first time I saw it. Would rank it just below the 2/15/09 atomicos for best AAA match of the year. Scratch that... just below that atomicos match and the 8/15/09 trios from the Fox Sports taping.

Marco Corleone, Pimpinela Escarlata, Súper Fly vs. Rió Bravo, Tigre Cota, Tito Santana: This was good! I liked it just as much as the previous match. Rudos were extra motivated working with guys higher on the card (and Super Fly) and they played their role perfectly... i.e. they ate all the offense and looked like fools but at least they didn't mess anything up! It was strange that out of those three tecnicos the only one who didn't get an exchange on his own to look good was Super Fly. Actually... that's not strange at all. Reward for the rudos for this excellent effort? Back to openers!

Jennifer Blake & Rain vs. Fabi Apache & Mari Apache: FML. On the bright side on super fast forward this took 4.7 seconds!

Cibernético, Kenzo Suzuki, Zorro vs. El Mesías, Jack Evans, La Parka (AAA): I was really starting to lose interest in the show at this point and this match didn't help so I was kinda nodding off. What I saw wasn't awful but it was nothing memorable either. A waste of Jack. This Zorro guy looks like he could be good though.

Dr. Wagner Jr., Electroshock, Silver King, Último Gladiador vs. Alex Koslov, Chessman, Konnan, Teddy Hart: Not bad. I was hoping they wouldn't work it straight since rudos vs rudos should rarely be like that and thankfully they didn't. Lots of brawling, double/triple/quadrople teaming and weapons. Things sorta dragged near the end due to Konnan getting involved and then running away from Wagner. Also the finish sucked once again because of Konnan and Wagner. Better than I expected, that's for sure.

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

CMLL 10/12/09 + 10/1309 & IWRG 9/24/09

CMLL Puebla 10/12/09:

Very angry they didn't air the Tzuki match! It was his last official CMLL appearence.:( This week's show actually marked a sad day for Puebla fans as it was the first time the show got chopped down to 1:30 which eventually became rather common...

Diamante/Guerrero Maya Jr. vs Caligula/Messala: First fall was cut right to the finish so not much to say. Diamante looked good in his exchange but GMJr was having an off night. The rudos were tremendous as usual. An old fan almost got killed during the double tope suicidas in the third fall. Nice finishing sequence. Tecnicos get the win. Not as good as it could have been w/o first fall being edited down.

Strongman/Mistico/Sombra vs Peste Negra: Comedy. You expected something else? At least the rudos were hilarious running away from Strongman who needs to stop using the screaming pose so many times per match. It's funny 2 or 3 times but he must have done it like 8 times in this match. I should mention the pre-match was nuts with everyone in the building running to ringside to get a picture with Strongman and security was nowhere in sight as he was being swarmed. Some father even handed his kid to Strongman for a photo. WHO WOULD HAND THEIR CHILD TO SOMETHING THAT LOOKS LIKE THAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Finish was VERY weird as Niebla took his mask off and tossed it to Strongman for the DQ... or so he thought. Strongman argued that he didn't touch Niebla's mask and even though Strongman doesn't speak a word of Spanish he managed to convince the refs he was telling the truth and they raised his hand.

Reyes Del Aire: I can't believe CMLL took one of the best matches of the year and just stuck it on a random Arena Puebla show. Even though it was pretty much the guys you'd expect outside of Texano and Black Warrior - clearly the wrestlers weren't going to go all out in front of a half-full Arena Puebla. This was worked exactly like a random Torneo Cibernetico on a Sunday Coliseo show would be. It was far too generic with everyone pairing off to do exchanges, dives by everyone and then rapid fire eliminations. It also annoyed me that even though it was the REYES DEL AIRE - Texano and Black Warrior outlasted guys like Valiente, Flash and Mascara Dorada. Actually reminded me of the 2006 Reyes Del Aire (the worst one of all-time) where not only was Loco Max actually involved - he even outlasted VALIENTE! Holy crap does anyone actually remember that match? ORO II! DANGER! NEUTRON! MASCARA PURPURA! It's like a who's who of WEHT queries! Anyways... finals came down to a tag match with Volador/La Mascara vs Averno/Mephisto. GO FIGURE. Volador pinned both rudos to win after La Mascara got eliminated. This was a win he really didn't need. I would have prefered a local flyers vs CMLL flyers match to crowd a new Rey Del Aire.

My question is: Are we not counting this as an official Reyes Del Aire? They had the fancy graphic and everything!

CMLL 10/13/09 (aired 10/17/09 on C3):

Delta/Metalico/Sensei vs Bronco/Escorpion/Puma King: FUCKING OLD MAN REFEREES! This was going along just fine until the rudos crotched Sensei on the ringpost in the second fall and for whatever reason the refs called a DQ! Ending the match in two straight falls! The same move that Misterioso uses in every match is somehow a DQ here! WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!?!?!?!?!? Reminds me of another show I watched recently but am not reviewing (b/c all the 52MX/FSE shows blend together way too much) - it had matches from the 10/11 Arena Mexico show including the segunda where for some reason after double dives both Polvora and Tony Rivera were left in the ring to fight. This happens in almost every Lucha Libre match I've ever seen. But for some reason... the refs wouldn't let them fight??? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? They stood in between them and forcefully pushed them out onto the apron until the other guys got back in the ring. Then when Polvora saw his partners being pinned the refs refused to let him get in the ring to make the save. I AM NOT JOKING! I'm convinced Polvora was getting Punk'd in this match.

Princesa Blanca vs Lady Apache (Mex Nat Women's Title): They screwed up a spot pretty badly about a minute into the first fall and Apache looked hurt so they rushed the finishes to the first two falls. She seemed okay by start of the third fall so the match improved but it's nothing worth going out of your way to see. Blanca retains.

Maximo/Rouge/Toscano vs Euforia/Okumura/Virus: Yeah, I'm wasting my time talking about THIS.

La Sombra/Mascara Dorada/Volador Jr. vs Efesto/El Mephisto/Texano Jr.: Awesome match! Rudos dominated early on but once the tecnicos took over it was just unreal stuff. The triple running somersault plancha looked so gorgeous with Dorada doing his Dorada Especial II and FLOATING IN THE AIR over his partners! UNREAL! Dorada was just a machine all match long to be honest. This was one of his most amazing performances yet and that's saying something! Rudos deserve so much credit for being able to keep up with the tecnicos and always be in the right place to take the big spots. Tons of awesome dives in the third fall and a super finish! Highly recommended match!

IWRG 9/24/09:

Imperio Azteca/Miss Gaviota vs ~BLACK THUNDER!/El Hijo Del Signo: What a waste of Black Thunder. He mainly only worked with Gaviota who is one of the worst wrestlers in North America along with Necro Butcher, half the WWE roster, most of FCW, El Signo, Villano III & Rouge. Imperio Azteca looked fun but was never seen again. At least he made an impression by doing a bullet tope suicida into the front row and landing right on top of the designated commisioner for the show. OOPS! The guy did NOT seem happy! Thunder used a wicked submission to end the second fall but went down along with his rudo buddy in the third fall.

Eragon/Jack vs Carta Brava Jr./Xibalba: How random. Sometimes random matches like this are fun. Other times... not so much. This was one of those times unfortunately.

Bushi/Exodia/Freelance vs Avisman/Gringo Loco/Toxico: MADNESS! MADNESS I SAY!!! Freelance/Avisman brawling. Tons of insane dives. Bushi looking the best I've seen him. Toxico shooting a fan in the face with his fire blowing thing. Gringo Loco eating flying spots as if he were a 10 year veteran. LOVED THIS! Well aside from Exodia doing about 15 spots where he got backdropped onto the apron. Is that the only way he knows to set up his next move? The dual dives with Freelance/Exodia were awesome to end the first fall. Toxico's tope suicida in the second fall was psychotic. Loved the finishing stuff between Freelance/Avisman. I might be motivated to watch more IWRG after this!

Chico Che/Rigo vs Arlequin Amarillo/Arlequin Rojo (Hairs vs Hairs): If you came into this expecting a total brawl full of blood and Chico Che throwing himself like a dart at the rudos... you got what you wanted. Awesome fucking match! IWRG is the only place in Mexico where you can see something like this now. CMLL doesn't do blood and AAA only does blood in hardcore matches and will never zoom in on the blood. TVC is certainly not afraid of a little blood as they did the extreme zoom-in as a bloody Rigo had his face ripped apart by Arlequin Amarillo. I approve! Reading about this match will not do it justice though - you need to see it for yourself. Good job by all four guys!

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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Very Good AAA & ACM

... Was yesterday opposite day and nobody remembered to tell me???

AAA 10/9/09 in Xalapa:

Mascarita Sagrada 2007, Mini Charly Manson, Octagoncito vs. Mini Abismo Negro, Mini Histeria, Mini Psicosis: Decent match and good to see the mini's back on TV. You can always count on them to come through with at least an average match but it's far from the days of hoping the AAA mini's would steal the show and deliver a must-see match. Sagrada looked good when in with Mini Abismo but almost landed on his head trying an asai moonsault late in the match. Mini Abismo low blowed Charly and then hit a bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutal J-Driller but got DQ'ed.

Fabi Apache & Mari Apache vs. Cinthia Moreno & Sexy Star: Meh. Decent enough match but I'm just not into this crew as much as I used to be. Plus I know the future DVD's have them mixed with the awful American women so I'm not too excited for that. Nice finishing sequence.

Laredo Kid, Octagón, Súper Fly vs. Cuervo, Escoria, Ozz: Strange. This was... excellent?!?!??!!? Rudos were bumping like madmen and tecnicos were hitting all their stuff perfectly - especially Laredo Kid. Even the rudo beatdown was fun b/c they were busted out awesome moves instead of just punches and kicks. Ozz took out Cuervo with a tornillo through the ropes and then Laredo Kid and Super Fly teamed up to beat Escoria.

Dr. Wagner Jr., Electroshock, Último Gladiador vs. Go Shiozaki, Kenzo Suzuki, Sugi: Put me in the group that has never seen more than two or three Shiozaki matches and doesn't see what is so special about him that would neccisitate bringing him to Mexico. Sugi was working on an injured knee and sold it all match. So Kenzo was carrying the team. YIKES! Needless to say the worst match of the show. Wagner/Shiozaki blew their first spot together. Yay for pre-match planning! I've never understood blowing the first spot of a match b/c in theory that is the one spot you should NEVER blow!

Cibernético, Joe Lider, Nicho el Millionario vs. El Mesías, La Parka Jr., Marco Corleone: Mesias fought through a worked knee injury to be involved in this. I won't lie... I enjoyed the match. I'm a big fan of the Hermandad though and they were awesome in this. Parka making fun of them for being gay was hilarious and they did this great sequence of moves on Corleone at one point. Ciber mostly stayed out of the way which is always a plus. Corleone did his big dive onto the Hermandad and then Mesias kept kicking out of moves from Cibernetico until finally the choke slam put him away.

Good show!

Arena Coliseo De Monterrey 9/30/08:

Karonte & Panthro vs. Black Soul & Kaoma Jr.: Surprisingly Kaoma Jr. was in fact the ex-nemesis of Rey Cometa. One fall match that started off really strong with excellent matwork but eventually broke down whe Panthro and Karonte didn't get along. Never got the chance to pick up b/c of the usual MTY screwiness.

Rey Hechicero, El Simbolo, Vaquero Romo vs. El Incognito, Tigre Universitario, Estrella Dorada Jr.: Great match! There was an awesome mat exchange between Hechicero and Incognito early on. At one point Incognito snapped Hechicero onto his head with a german suplex which looked scary. Estrella Dorada Jr. did a flip plancha into the first row to end the first fall. Romo was hilarous as usual in the second fall as he took tons of moves from the tecnicos. Third fall comeback was great. Tigre did a cornerpost tope suicida and Incognito almost nose-dived on a bullet tope suicida. Highly recommended match!

5X & Rey Apostol vs. Golden Boy & Papichulo vs. Hermano Diablo I & Hermano Diablo II [UXF TAG]: I'll be honest with you all... if I explained this match in detail you would all think I was on drugs. Instead I'll just say... YOU ALL NEED TO BUY THIS FROM ALFREDO RIGHT NOW! Let's list random things from this match:

1. It was a 3 way that turned into 14 rudos trying to beat up 5X and Rey Apostol.
2. About 8 dives combined between the two tecnicos.
3. Two monkey cages.
4. A zipline which 5X used for his entrance, a dropkick and an attempted plancha that he overshot.
5. Tables.
6. Chairs.
7. A celebrity referee who couldn't actually get down to count b/c of her dress. So for the final fall she just yelled UNO, DOS, TRES!
8. Kaoma Jr. making the save for the tecnicos after they got locked in the monkey cages.
9. A fire extinguisher.

God I loved this match. Arena Coliseo De Monterrey is WEIRD!

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