Sunday, August 06, 2006

CMLL PPV 3/17/2002:

Started on the 3/17/02 CMLL 'Apocalipsis' PPV that I had yet to see. Got the tape a while back but it was busted and totally forgot I hadn't seen it till a little over a month ago. Opening mini's tag was a solid match but nothing I'd say people should go out of their way to see. Pequeno Olimpico(Cicloncito) and Fire were easily the stars. That tope suicida near the cornerpost in the first fall by Peq. Olimpico was SCARY. Near-disaster for him. I should also add he really did a good job studying up on Olimpico and all his trademark moves. The segunda was Safari/Fiera/Olimpico vs Zumbido/Violencia/Dr. X. Really great match with everyone except Fiera looking super. The rudos were bump machines here. Violencia took a monkey flip on the floor and Dr. X took one on the ramp! Zumbido even took a sunset flip on the floor delivered by Safari. Once again, great match. Third up was Negro/Felino/Super Parka against Satanico/Averno/Mephisto. Average match... nothing too exciting but nothing wrong with it at the same time. Felino and Super Parka looked the best. Really neat finishes to each fall which is always a plus.

Shocker/Vampiro/Rayo De Jalisco Jr. vs Universo 2000/Ultimo Guerrero/Tarzan Boy - CMLL PPV 3/17/2002: This was better than it had any right to be. Rayo in particular was doing moves I haven't seen him do since 1996 when he was last seen in shape. Everyone worked hard and the match never dragged. In a match with Rayo, Universo and Vamp - this was a miracle. Weak low blow finish but the action more than made up for it.

inished off the 3/17/02 CMLL TV but nothing of note. The trios titles match was AWFUL. Everyone except Warrior and Wagner seemed to be on a different page. Panther and Fuerza didn't look awful but they were working with nothing as Niebla and Antifaz were blowing everything. Third fall went an eternity and my favorite part was after one near fall, some guy in the front row looks at his watch with an annoyed look on his face. That sums the match up as they kept going forever and nobody was popping for any of the nearfalls. Horrible. Not as horrible as the Markus/Veneno main event but at least that was short and had a non-overbooked finish for once in a Boricuas stip match.


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